[An-lang] microfilms in the National Library of Australia
Nick Thieberger
thien at unimelb.edu.au
Thu Jan 17 05:41:10 UTC 2019
The list below is of microfilms of dictionaries and other language
materials held at the NLA, mostly made at the South Pacific Commission.
Does anyone know if (1) the originals still exist? and (2) if any of these
materials is unique and would benefit from being digitised and made more
generally available?
Please reply to me off-list.
Assoc.Prof. Nick Thieberger
ARC Future Fellow
School of Languages and Linguistics
The University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia
+61 3 8344 8952
*http://* <http://languages-linguistics.unimelb.edu.au/thieberger>*nthieberger.net
SPCmf 1 Paton, W. F. Dictionary and Grammar of the Language of Dip Point
and Northern Ambrym. 36pp. Original held by Rev W F Paton, MA, BD, of
Tasmania. Mr Paton, who was a missionary on Ambrym from 1933-1948, regards
this work as a preliminary essay only and hopes later to amend and extend
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1431
SPCmf 2 Bresson, E. A French-Tyamuhi Dictionary. 126pp. Original held by
Rt. Rev. E. Bresson, SM, DD, Vicar Apostolic for New Caledonia.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1433
SPCmf 3 Boch, A. A Short Alu Grammar. 20pp. Original held by Mr G. B.
Miller, Lecturer in Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK.
Father Boch was a Roman Catholic priest stationed at Poporag on Shortland
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1436
SPC mf 4 Milner, G. B. A Roviana Grammar. 35pp. Original held by Mr G. B.
Miller, Lecturer in Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK.
This grammar was prepared by one of the Sisters of the Wesleyan Mission
Station at Munda in the Solomon Islands.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1437
SPC mf 5 Godefroy, R. P. A Grammar of the Olal Language. 113pp. Original
held by the Most Rev. J. Halbert, SM, DD, Vicar Apostolic of the New
Hebrides (Vanuatu).
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1488
SPC mf 6 Loubiere, E. A Dictionary and Grammar of the Melsisi-Namaran
Language (New Hebrides). 112 pp. Original held by the Rev Father E.
Loubiere, Vila, New Hebrides.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1458
SPC mf 7 Maillard, A. A French-Gilbertese Dictionary, 1917. Ts., 146pp.
Original held by the Most Rev. O. Terrienne, MSC, Bishop of the Gilbert
Islands (Kiribati), and His Honor the Resident Commissioner of the Gilbert
and Ellice Islands Colony (Kiribati and Tuvalu).
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1461
SPC mf 8 United States Commercial Company, Economic Survey - Research
Section. Bibliography of Micronesia, 1946. Ts., 280pp. Microfilm master
held by the Library of Congress, Washington DC, USA. Positive print held by
the SPC Social Development Section Library (1952). (Ref: SPC Quarterly
Bulletin Vol.2, No.3, Jul 195 Bibliography of Micronesia, 1946. Ts., 280pp.
Microfilm master held by the Library of Congress, Washington DC, USA.
Positive print held by the SPC Social Development Section Library (1952).
No films found – No catalogue record found for this title
SPC mf 9 Nauru - Department of Education. Selection of fables and stories
(in Nauruan vernacular, as translated by teachers, and checked by T.
Detudamo and J. Aroi) for use in native primary schools. Book I. May 1938.
22pp. (Ref: SPC Quarterly Bulletin Vol.3, No.1, Jan 1953) Selection of
fables and stories (in Nauruan vernacular, as translated by teachers, and
checked by T. Detudamo and J. Aroi) for use in native primary schools. Book
I. May 1938. 22pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1463
SPC mf 10 Cato, A. C. A Survey of Native Education in Fiji, Tonga and
Western Samoa. Ts., xx, 598pp., illus., bibls. Orig. held by Rev A. C. Cato
of the Methodist Mission, Lautoka, Fiji.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1468
SPC mf 11 Henderson, G. C. A History of Government in Fiji, 1760-1875. Vol.
1, xxii, 356pp., illus., map; Vol.2, xiii, 675pp., illus., bibl. Prof
Henderson was Research Professor of History at the University of Sydney
1937-1944. Orig. made available by Prof S. H. Roberts, Vice-Chancellor of
the University of Sydney.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1473
SPC mf 12 Chauvel, P. Lexique de la langue de S. W. Bay (Malekula, New
Hebrides) 1907. 166pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1477
SPC mf 13 Anonymous Lexique de la langue de South West Bay (Malicolo) (New
Hebrides) Ms., 72pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1480
SPC mf 14 Niel, P. Grammaire de Melsisi (New Hebrides). Ms., 23pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1483
SPC mf 15 Chauvel, P. Lexique: Français-Sesivi. Ms., 23pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1483
SPC mf 16 Bancarel, C. Dictionaire Français - Sesivi. (New Hebrides) Ms.,
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1488
SPC mf 17 Chauvel, P. Dictionaire Francais - Langue de South West Bay
(Malekula, New Hebrides). Ms., 3 vols., 305pp.
Master Negative MISSING -Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1490 – First
frame is cut off on the Duplicate negative, I have compared to existing
acetate service copy (positive) and service copy is complete – Where can I
source a complete negative reel.
SPC mf 18 Chauvel, P. Lexique. Langue indigège South West Bay (Malekula,
New Hebrides). Ms., 2 vols., 187pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1495
SPC mf 19 Salomon, P. Lexique Vao-Français (New Hebrides). Ms., 272pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1497
SPC mf 20 Bancarel, P. and others. Lexique Français - Port Sandwich (New
Hebrides). Ms., 98pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1498
SPC mf 21 Tattevin, P. Grammaire et vocabulaire Oba (New Hebrides) 1935.
Ms., 276pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1502
SPC mf 22 Salomon, P. Grammaire de la langue de Wala (Mallicolo,
Nouvelles-Hébrides). 132pp.
Master Negative MISSING - Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1506
SPC mf 23 Tattevin, P. Vocabulaire Loltong-Français et Français-Loltong.
Ms., 160pp. (Ref: SPC Quarterly Bulletin, Vol.3, No.3, Jul 1953)
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1513
SPC mf 24 Tattevin, P. Dictionnaire Français-Melsisi, 1909. Ms., 40pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1513
SPC mf 25 Bancarel, P. Dictionnaire Sesivi-Français. Ms., 96pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1509 &
MFM G1523
SPC mf 26 Tattevin, P. Dictionnaire Français-Melsisi. Ms., 206pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1534
SPC mf 27 Durand, P. Dictionnaire Français-Canaque. Langues du Sud de
Pentecôte, 1906-1912. Ms., 153pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1540
SPC mf 28 Courtais, P. Dictionnaire Français-langue de Port-Orly et langue
de Port-Olry - Français. Ms., 100pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1544
SPC mf 29 Bancarel, R.P. Supplement au dictionnaire Sesivi-Français du R.
P. Bancarel. 20pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1550 &
MFM G1566
SPC mf 30 Paton, J. G.A vocabulary of words in the language of Aniwa, New
Hebrides. Ms., 17pp. Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative
(Polyester) = MFM G1509 & MFM G1555
SPC mf 31 Miller, J. G. Report of a students' trek in the hinterland of
South Santo (New Hebrides)¸ September 6th to 11th 1947. Ts., 16pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1561
SPC mf 32 Miller, J. G. Report of the second students' trek into inland
Santo (New Hebrides), Monday 20th September 1948 to Monday 27th September
1948. Ts., 38pp. Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester)
= MFM G1550
SPC mf 33 Miller, J. G. Report on the island of Epi for the Presbyterian
Mission Synod, Vila, New Hebrides, 1946. Ts., 8pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G 1509 &
MFM G1566
SPC mf 34 Kaysser, C. A Nauruan Grammar, 1937. 223pp. Original held by Mr
H. E. Maude, Executive Officer, SPC Social Development Section.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1569
SPC mf 35 Kaysser, C. An English-Nauru Dictionary. 44pp. Original held by
Mr J. R. Halligan, Senior Commissioner for Australia to the SPC.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1571
SPC mf 36 Anonymous Elements de grammaire wallisienne. (Uvea language -
Grammar.) 76pp.
Master Negative (Acetate) DUPE NEG REQUIRED = MFM G 1578
SPC mf 37 McArthur, L. A. The educational problems of the Methodist Mission
in New Britain with special reference to the training of teachers, 1934.
54pp. Original held by Rev. C. F. Gribble, General Secretary of the
Methodist Overseas Mission, Sydney.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1583
SPC mf 38 Poole, A. J. An English-New Britain Dictionary, Vunairima, New
Guinea, Methodist Mission, 1953. 102pp. Original held by Rev. C. F.
Gribble, General Secretary of the Methodist Overseas Mission, Sydney.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1585
SPC mf 39 Anonymous A Wallis Island - French Dictionary. Ts., 238pp.
Original held by M. J. C. Guiart, Ethnologist, Instut Francais d'Océanie,
Noumea, New Caledonia.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1588
SPC mf 40 Latham, R. T. E. The New Hebrides Condominium. Melbourne
University, 1929. Ts., 70pp. The manuscript is part of a thesis presented
at the School of History and Political Science at Melbourne University.
Originals held by the Rev J. G. Miller (then, 1955, of Papakura, NZ, now,
2000, of Wangaratta, Victoria), the General Secretary of the Australian
Presbyterian Board of Missions, Sydney, and the Department of External
Affairs, Canberra.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1589
SPC mf 41 Koe fika koe koliji ko Tubou koe gaiti fua / Arithmetic,
Measurements, Tupou College. In Tongan. Ts., 168pp. Original held by Rev A.
E. McKay, President of the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga, Nuku'alofa.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1593
SPC mf 42 Brown, Rev. Mr (Translator). Ko hono uluaki oe tohi "oe". Tu'i
koe fai ae faifekau ko M. Balauni (The First Book of Kings), Tonga, 1907.
In Tongan. Ts., 61pp. Original held by Rev A. E. McKay, President of the
Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga, Nuku'alofa.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1597
SPC mf 43 (2 reels) Moulton, J. E. Ko Jiobe moe fakamatala ki ai... ma'ae
faifekau mo helohelo (cover title). [Koe tohi o Jiobe moe fakamatala ki ai
koe fai e he faifekau ko toketa Molitoni/ Book of Job: a commentary for
Ministers and Old Boys (of Tupou College)]. In Tongan. 2 vols., 260pp.
Original held by Rev A. E. McKay.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1603
SPC mf 44 Koe lotukalafi koe talaj'i ki he lotukalafi [Scripture Studies:
an introduction]. In Tongan. Ts., 54pp. Original held by Rev A. E. McKay.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1606
SPC mf 45 Koe fika-fai-tu'uga koe tohi ma'ae kou helohelo 'o Va vau.
[Higher Arithmetic for the Old Boys in Vava'u.] In Tongan. Ms., 114pp.
Original held by Rev A. E. McKay.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1609
SPC mf 46 Koe tohi asitolonome ma'ae i helohelo o Ha'abai [The Book of
Astronomy for the Old Boys in Ha'apai]. In Tongan. Ts., 44pp. This book was
written in the time of Dr. Moulton at Tupou College. Original held by Rev
A. E. McKay.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1612
SPC mf 47 Ko honu ua tohi o Samiuela. [Tr. of the second book of Samuel] In
Tongan. Ts., 128pp. Original held by Rev A. E. McKay.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1614
SPC mf 48 Koe hisitolia o Bilitania i ma'ae ae helohelo o Ha'abai / The
History of Britain for the old boys of the (Tupou) College in Ha'abai(cover
title). [Koe hisitolia o Bilitania. Koebukai I. Koe tubu ae kaikai/ The
History of Britain, Book 1: the origins of the people.] In Tongan. Ts.,
133pp. This book was written in the time of Dr. Moulton at Tupou College.
Original held by Rev A. E. McKay.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1617
SPC mf 49 Protestant Mission of New Caledonia. Records of Protestant
mission stations in New Caledonia, 1926-1937. 189pp. Original held by M. J.
Guiart, Ethnologist, Instut Francais d'Océanie, Noumea.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1618
SPC mf 50 Protestant Mission of New Caledonia. Records of a Conference of
Protestant Mission Native Pastors held at Konè, New Caledonia in 1908. In
French. 88pp. Original held by M. J. Guiart.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1619
SPC mf 51 Protestant Mission of New Caledonia. Records of Conferences of
Protestant Mission Native Pastors held at Houialou, New Caledonia, 1925-31.
In French. 70pp. Original held by M. J. Guiart.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1623
SPC mf 52 Leenhardt, Pastor Maurice. Records of a conference of Protestant
Mission Native Pastors held at Moneo, New Caledonia, 1912. In French. 50pp.
Original held by M. J. Guiart.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1624
SPC mf 53 Protestant Mission of New Caledonia. Records of a Conferences of
Protestant Mission Native Pastors held at Khuine, New Caledonia, 1926,
1928, 1929. In French. 117pp. Original held by M. J. Guiart.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1626
SPC mf 54 Protestant Mission of New Caledonia. Report of a Conference of
Protestant Mission Native Pastors held at Tendo, New Caledonia, 1920. In
French. 68pp. Original held by M. J. Guiart.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1628
SPC mf 55 Leenhardt, Raymond. Esquisse de l'Histoire politique et
religieuse des Iles Loyauté de 1840 à 1895. Le rencontre de la colonisation
et des Missions. Paris, 1930. 262pp. bibl. This was Prof. Leenhardt's
thesis presented to the Faculty of Protestant Theology, Paris. Original
held by M. J. Guiart.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1630
SPC mf 56 Guiart, M. J. A French-Iai (Loyalty Islands) Word List. 40pp.
Original held by M. J. Guiart.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1634
SPC mf 57 Guiart, M. J. A French-Olal (New Hebrides) Word List. 119pp.
Original held by M. J. Guiart.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1636
SPC mf 58 Guiart, M. J. A French-Dubea (New Caledonia) Word List. 61pp.
Original held by M. J. Guiart. (Ref: SPC Quarterly Bulletin, Vol.5, No.4,
Oct 1955)
SPC mf 59 Guiart, M. J. A French-Venan (New Hebrides) Word List. 77pp.
Original held by M. J. Guiart.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1638
SPC mf 60 Guiart, M. J. A French-Craig Cove (New Hebrides) Word List. 85pp.
Original held by M. J. Guiart.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1639
SPC mf 61 Fox, Charles Elliot. A Lau (British Solomon Islands)-English
Dictionary, 1950. Solomon Islands, 1878, Edition Rev 1950. Ts., 328pp. This
manuscript was made available for deposit by permission of the Director of
the Auckland Institute and Museum, NZ. An original of the dictionary is in
the custody of the Museum.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1646
SPC mf 62 Dubois, Marie Joseph . Papers relating to Maré, New Caledonia,
including vocabularies in the Nengone Language and an ethnology of Maré.
467pp. Original manuscript held by W. M-J. Dubois of Maré, New Caledonia.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1641
SPC mf 63 Brewster, Adolph Brewster. Genealogies and histories of the
Manititu or tribal governments of Central Viti Levu (Great Fiji). Torquay,
1923. Ts., 150pp., map. Mr Brewster was at one time Commissioner, Colo
North and East Provinces, Fiji. Document made available by Mr G. K. Roth,
Secretary for Fijian Affairs, Suva. Original held by the SPC.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1642
SPC mf 64 Capell, Arthur. A preliminary Maré (Nengone) and English
dictionary compiled from a Concordance to the Maré New Testament by Dr A.
Capell. Sydney, 1925. 30pp. Original held by Dr A. Capell, Reader in
Oceanic Languages at the University of Sydney.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1643
SPC mf 65 Paton, Frank Hume Lyall. English and Lenakel dictionary from
manuscript of F. H. L. Paton. Leichhardt, 1922. Ms., 49pp. Original held by
Dr A. Capell.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1644
SPC mf 66 Capell, Arthur. A grammar of the Eromangan language. 1928. 94pp.
Original held by Dr A. Capell.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1644
SPC mf 67 Capell, Arthur. An Eromangan comparative dictionary. 117pp.
Original held by Dr A. Capell.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1646
SPC mf 68 Giblin, Rev. Eric. Mukawa and English Dictionary (with addition
of Gapapaiwa) and a grammar and dictionary of the Mukawa language, with
Gapapaiwa equivalents. Sydney, 1923. Ts., 73pp., xvii. Original held by Dr
A. Capell.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1649
SPC mf 69 Fox, C. E. A Ngella-English Dictionary. 1955. 406pp. Original
held by the Auckland Institute and Museum, New Zealand.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1652
SPC mf 70 Guiart, M.J. A vocabulary of the Kilene dialect as spoken at
Sag-Sag, New Britain. 30pp. Original manuscript held by M. J. Guiart of the
Institut Français d'Océanie, Noumea.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1654
SPC mf 71 Holzknecht, K. A German-Azira (New Guinea) Dictionary. 161pp.
This manuscript was made available for reproduction by Dr Carl A. Schmitz
of the University of Cologne and Dr A Capell, Department of Anthropology,
University of Sydney. Original held in Dr Schmitz' custody.
SPC mf 72 Holzknecht, K. An Azira (New Guinea), German and English
Dictionary 160pp. This manuscript was made available for reproduction by Dr
Carl A. Schmitz of the University of Cologne and Dr A Capell, Department of
Anthropology, University of Sydney. Original held in Dr Schmitz' custody.
SPC mf 73 Grover, John Charles Some Aspects of Mining Development in the
British Solomon Islands Protectorate. c.1950. 95pp., appendices, illus.,
diags. This manuscript was made available for reproduction by the author,
who was Senior Geologist of the British Solomon Islands Protectorate.
Original held by the author.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1659
SPC mf 74 Whitcombe, J. D. 'Tonga Tabu': a history and description of
Tonga. Auckland, c. 1918. 104pp. This manuscript was made available by Mr
J. D. Whitcomb of Auckland. Original held by the author.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1659
SPC mf 75 Whitcombe, John Douglas. Grammar of the Tongan Language. c. 1926?
76pp. This manuscript was made available by Mr J.D. Whitcomb of Auckland.
Original held by the author.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1662
SPC mf 76 Bartlett, Rev. H. K. Legends collected at Misima and Panaeati,
Papua. 64 pp. This manuscript was made available for reproduction by Rev.
H.K. Bartlett, State Secretary, Methodist Overseas Mission Adelaide, a
former missionary in South-eastern Papua.
Master Negative (Acetate) = MFM G1663 – DUPLICATE NEGATIVE NEEDS TO BE
SPC mf 77 Bartlett, Rev. H. K. Vocabulary of the Misima-Panaeati Language,
Papua. 155pp. This manuscript was made available for reproduction by Rev.
H.K. Bartlett, State Secretary, Methodist Overseas Mission Adelaide, a
former missionary in South-eastern Papua.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1664
SPC mf 78 Larson, Gordon F & Mildred O.
i. Moni Phonemes, 7pp.;
ii. A Tentative Statement on Moni Morphology, 17pp.; and;
iii. A Moni-Malay-English Dictionary, 45pp. 1956.
These manuscripts were made available for reproduction by Mr. Gordon F.
Larson, who carried out linguistic research in the former Netherlands New
Guinea (West Papua/Irian Jaya) under the auspices of the Christian and
Missionary Alliance. Originals held by author.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1666
SPC mf 79 Paton, Rev. William Frederick The Language and Life of Ambrym, an
island in the New Hebrides. 1956. 513pp. This manuscript was made available
for reproduction by the author who was a Presbyterian missionary on Ambrym
in the New Hebrides from 1933-1948. Original held by the author.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1667
SPC mf 80 Emprin, R P. Whegnai-French Dictionary. c. 1900. pp. 185. This
manuscript was made available by Le R. P. Gagnaire, Ouvea, New Caledonia.
Mr Gagnaire was a missionary at Fayaoué, Ouvea Island, New Caledonia.
Master Negative (Acetate) & Duplicate Negative (Polyester) = MFM G1669
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