[An-lang] at-home fieldwork (please distribute)

Nick Thieberger thien at unimelb.edu.au
Thu Mar 19 01:42:45 UTC 2020

Dear Colleagues,

As the prospects of travel for fieldwork or research are reduced at the
moment it may be worth considering some alternatives, especially for PhD

Language archives have huge amounts of information that could be used for
new research and would suit at-home fieldwork.

For example, PARADISEC has several collections that are ideal for
descriptive work, or for further analysis of linguistic features not
already addressed by the original researcher. Some highlights are:

Calvin Roesler's notes and audio for Asmat:

Ngunese, two books of texts and related audio recorded by Al Schütz and
Ellen Facey:

Alan Walker's Timor work (Sabu) includes copious notes and recordings that
he was unable to analyse before his untimely death:

Ian Frazer's To'aba'ita recordings (work could complement the existing
research by Frank Lichtenberk

This could also be an ideal time to consolidate and deposit your own field
materials with an archive (e.g., http://www.paradisec.org.au/deposit/).

Greetings from a physically but not socially distant colleague,

Nick Thieberger

Assoc.Prof. Nick Thieberger
School of Languages and Linguistics
The University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia
+61 3 8344 8952
*http://* <http://languages-linguistics.unimelb.edu.au/thieberger>*nthieberger.net

Social and Cultural Informatics Platform (SCIP) Manager
Director, Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered
Cultures (PARADISEC) <http://paradisec.org.au/>
Editor, Language Documentation & Conservation Journal
CI in the  Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language
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