[An-lang] Two PhD positions

Antoinette Schapper a_schapper at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 26 08:12:27 UTC 2021

Dear An list,

The OUTOFPAPUA project at the VU in Amsterdam has two PhD vacancies to fill. Positions start at the latest on 1 September 2021. Very attractive conditions: 4 year position, pension payments, lots of travel and research funding. The positions have slightly different requirements, but a Masters in Linguistics is essential as is an interest in fieldwork. Please circulate the advertisement widely in your networks and share with promising grad students.

To find our more and apply, following the link below:

If you have any questions, please email me at a.c.j.schapper at vu.nl<mailto:a.c.j.schapper at vu.nl>

Kind regards,

Antoinette Schapper

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