[An-lang] Kaninuwa grammar (version 2021)

rene_vandenberg at sil.org rene_vandenberg at sil.org
Mon Nov 22 04:45:30 UTC 2021

SIL PNG is happy to announce the online publication of “Kaninuwa grammar (version 2021)”, written by Joseph and Joyce Park, available at https://pnglanguages.sil.org/resources/archives/91825


Kaninuwa [wat] is an Oceanic language of the Papuan Tip linkage, spoken by some 600 people on the north coast of Goodenough Island in Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea.


This 137-page work is the first description of Kaninuwa. It is SIL PNG’s hope that further versions will become available in the future, in an attempt to model and apply the notion of ‘growing a grammar’. 
The traditional two stages of Grammar Essentials and Grammar Sketch has now been abandoned.


Comments and suggestions are welcome.





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