[An-lang] Linguistic Society of PNG conference 21-23 Spt 2021

rene_vandenberg at sil.org rene_vandenberg at sil.org
Tue Sep 14 06:35:14 UTC 2021

Hello colleagues,


The LSPNG annual conference will be held next week.

Dates:        21 - 23 September 2021 (Tue / Wed / Thu morning)

Location:   hybrid conference - Ukarumpa (PNG) and via zoom

Program:   now available on the LLM website: https://www.langlxmelanesia.com/lspng-2021


Email ld-linguistics_png at sil.org <mailto:ld-linguistics_png at sil.org>  to register as a Zoom participant.

Zoom registration is free. 


René van den Berg on behalf of Joyce Wood.

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