[An-lang] Call for papers: AFLA 31

Kristine Yu krisyu at linguist.umass.edu
Fri Nov 17 02:50:54 UTC 2023

The University of Massachusetts, Amherst will host the 31st Annual Meeting
of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association
<https://www.uwo.ca/linguistics//research/afla/index.html> (AFLA) as well
as a special session on “Prosodic and psycholinguistic connections in verb
initial languages.” The conference will take place in person at UMass in
Amherst, Massachusetts from June 12-June 14, 2024. Depending on presenter
interest, we are also exploring hybrid options for presentation.

Since 1994, AFLA <https://www.uwo.ca/linguistics//research/afla/index.html> has
served internationally as the most prominent and influential venue for
presentation and discussion of recent research on Austronesian languages.
Research disseminated at AFLA spans all subfields of linguistics (syntax,
semantics, phonology, morphology, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics,
language acquisition, historical linguistics, etc).

The aim of the special session on connections between verb initial
languages is to bring together researchers working on prosody and
psycholinguistics in Austronesian as well as verb-initial languages in
other language families, creating a space for scholars who do not normally
collaborate to share ideas and perspectives. The special session aims to
foster discussion of the commonalities in the comprehension and production
of verb-initial languages and the prosody of verb-initial languages. It
also aims to contribute to informing existing theories of sentence
processing and prosody, which have been developed primarily based on
verb-medial and verb-final languages thus far.

In addition, there will be a pre-conference workshop on June 11, 2024 on a
computational, data-driven approach to working with prosodic data. The
workshop is intended to offer methodology for initial exploratory work in
languages with limited or no prosodic descriptions for fieldworkers from a
variety of backgrounds, including those without training in prosody.

We invite abstracts for 20 minute talks and posters on work in all areas of
Austronesian linguistics, as well as abstracts on work on prosody and
experimental linguistics in verb initial languages from any language

Abstract guidelines

Submission portal: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/6825/submitter

Abstract deadline: January 20, 2024

- Abstracts (including references and figures) should not exceed 2
single-spaced pages.
- Submissions must be on A4 size paper with 2 cm margins, and minimum 11pt
- All abstracts should be anonymous.
- Maximum 2 single-authored submissions per author (no limit for
co-authored abstracts)
- Abstracts must be submitted as a single pdf document through the
submission portal

Note: We will give preference to new work, but given the unusually short
time frame between the previous AFLA and AFLA 31, we encourage work that
has already been presented as long as there is some new development.

We especially encourage submissions from junior scholars and students. To
ensure the participation of junior scholars, we will provide a limited
number of travel stipends for students whose abstracts are accepted for a
poster or presentation.

Please visit https://blogs.umass.edu/afla31/ for more details, and email
afla31 at umass.edu with questions. If you'd like to subscribe to our mailing
list, visit https://groups.io/g/afla/join and enter your email address.

Conference organizers: Alessa Farinella, Jed Sam Pizarro-Guevara, Kristine

Kristine Yu (pronouns: she/her/hers)
Associate Professor
UMass Amherst, Department of Linguistics
Integrative Learning Center
650 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA  01003

Proud member of the Massachusetts Society of Professors (MSP/MTA/NEA), the
union representing faculty and librarians at UMass Amherst, and supporting
public education and labor movements everywhere: umassmsp.org
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