[An-lang] APLL16: DEADLINE for abstract submission approaching - March 15, 2024

Verdizade, A. (Allahverdi) a.verdizade at vu.nl
Tue Mar 5 09:22:39 UTC 2024

Dear Colleagues,

As the abstract submission deadline for the 16th Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APLL16) and the 3rd Workshop on the Languages of Wallacea (WLW3) is rapidly approaching, we wanted to send a reminder that the deadline for submission is March 15, 2024.

  *   APLL16 invites presentations on any aspect of the linguistics of Austronesian and Papuan languages.
  *   WLW3 focuses on new perspectives on the history of the South Halmahera-West New Guinea subgroup.

Submission Guidelines:

  *   Abstracts should not exceed two A4 pages, including references, examples, figures, tables, and maps.
  *   Submissions must be anonymous, set in a minimum of 12pt font, and in .pdf format.
  *   Please ensure your filename starts with the event code (APLL16 or WLW3), followed by an underscore and then the first author’s surname (and initials if common), e.g., APLL16_sonder.pdf or WLW3_jsmith.pdf.

Please send your abstracts to appl16conference at gmail.com<mailto:appl16conference at gmail.com>, indicating whether your submission is for APLL16 or WLW3.  For more details, please visit our conference website: https://sites.google.com/view/apll16.

We look forward to receiving your submissions and to an engaging and fruitful discussion at the events.

Warm regards,
APLL16 & WLW3 Organizing Committee

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