Arabic-L:GEN:Dialect Recognition Needed

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Wed Dec 1 15:58:49 UTC 1999

Arabic-L: Wed 01 Dec 1999
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Dialect Recognition Needed

Date: 01 Dec 1999
From: moderator
Subject: Dialect Recognition Needed

There is a short term consulting job in the York County, PA area that
requires a dialect expert, or just someone (probably but not necessarily a
native speaker of Moroccan or Algerian Arabic) who could listen to a
speaker and identify approximately where he is from (hopefully at least
distinguishing Morocco or Algeria).  If you think you can do this, let me
know at the address below and I'll send you the details.
dil at

End of Arabic-L: 01 Dec 1999

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