ARABIC-L: GEN: ALS meeting at Stanford

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Wed Jan 13 20:01:32 UTC 1999

Arabic-L: Wed 13 Jan 1999
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Hotel Information

Date: 13 Jan 1999
From: Abbas Benmamoun <e-benma at>
Subject: Hotel Information

Here is some hotel information for those planning to attend the upcoming
ALS meeting (March 5-6) at Stanford and would like to plan early.
The Stanford Terrace Inn, 531 Stanford Avenue, Palo Alto, offers symposium
participants reduced rates: $115 single, $125 double (with 2 people
sharing a  room and splitting the cost). Reservations may be made by
contacting the
hotel  directly at (650) 857-0333, fax (650) 857-0343 or toll-free at (800)
729-0332. Mention group code 23272. The group rate will be honored if
are  made before Feb. 5, 1999. 
The Creekside Inn, 3400 El Camino Real, Palo
Alto, is also offering a special rate of $125 single, $135 double for symposium
participants. Reservations may be made by calling (650) 493-2411 or
toll-free at (800) 492-7335. Mention group number BV0000. These rates apply
until Feb.
12,  1999.
At both hotels, mention the Arabic Linguistics Society to obtain
conference rates. Both hotels offer shuttle service to campus.

>>From San Francisco airport, participants can take the Super Shuttle (it is
the  most reliable of the limo services around here). >From San Jose airport,
there  are plenty of other shuttles and limo services that cost around the same
as  Super Shuttle ($20 or less). Although Super Shuttle goes to San Jose
airport, it does not offer services FROM the airport.


End of Arabic-L: 13 Jan 1999

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