ARABIC-L: PEDA: Arabic for Middle School Responses

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Tue Jun 8 18:01:51 UTC 1999

Arabic-L: Tue 08 Jun 1999
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Multimedia Arabic materials for Middle School
2) Subject: More materials

Date: 08 Jun 1999
From: GnhBos at
Subject: Multimedia Arabic materials for Middle School

Learn The Arabic Language Multimedia..

1) Future's Learn Arabic:

Children and Adults. Learn the Arabic language from English,
French, German or Portuguese. This innovative and complete
program is divided into 5 parts:

1) Introduction to Arabic and the origin of the language.
2) Learn the alphabet in 4 lessons.
3) Words and scenes -- useful words, the numbers and days
    of the week, months of the year and common scenes.
4) Reading practice.
5) Play and learn - Arrange the alphabet, letter vs. letter,
    match pictures with the correct letter, letter vs. picture,
    spelling practices, picture vs. picture, identify the picture
    and trace the letters.

Dictations and pronunciation exercises aid listening and
speaking with enjoyable games to reinforce learning.

Learn Arabic requires for IBM comp. PC: 486+; SVGA
256 color display; CD-ROM drive; Sound Blaster comp.
Sound card; Mouse; Windows 3.1 or 95; 4MB RAM.
Macintosh requires: System 7+; 4MB RAM; 8-bit color;
CD-ROM drive. Price $60.00 Plus shipping.

2) Sakhr's Learn Arabic:

This program is a course developed for foreigners to learn
Arabic. It teaches the principles of phonetics, writing and
structure of Arabic. Learning Arabic as a Foreign Language,
'Level one' advantages:

Self-based or classroom study. Maximum user control.
Lessons are configured according to the user's preferences.
Learn Arabic from four languages: English, French, Turkish and
Malaysian. Audio and Video of native speakers. More than 85
masterpieces in Arabic calligraphy. Toolbox kit for translation,
diacritizaion, font type. Authentic Middle Eastern music/song.

Components of the Program:

1. Lessons

The program comprises ten lessons where each is divided
into 12 parts. The first six are related to the presentation of
linguistic elements with equal emphasis given to the
four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The
next four furnish engaging exercises to sharpen the acquired
skills. Finally, the last two provide entertaining games to
re-enforce vocabulary items.

2. Appreciate Arabic:

'Appreciate Arabic' focuses on the history of the Arabic
language and its development. Following are the major
themes introduced:

The origin and spread of the Arabic language. Family tree of
the Arabic script. Stages in the development of the Arabic
language. Arabic calligraphy. The Arab world. Computerization
of the Arabic language.

3. Verses from The Holy Quran:

Verses from the Holy Quran are presented within an educational
framework. This is an optional part that may be of particular
interest to Muslim learners but will provide non Muslims with
a flavor of the Classical language.

4. Typing Tutor:

Using the computer as a medium for learning Arabic, necessitates
familiarity with the Arabic keyboard. Hence, Sakhr has included
its keyboard tutor as a gift to all learners of Arabic.

Price $45.00 plus insurance, shipping, and handling.

System Requirements:

Processor (minimum): DX 486. RAM: 10 MB. Free Space: 10 MB.
CD ROM. Sound Card. Display: VGA 256.
English or Arabic Win 3.x, 95.

3) The Rosetta Stone Arabic

The Rosetta Stone replicates the give and
take of learning that occurs when the native
language is acquired: words become associated
with objects and ideas because they are
introduced in a context where meaning is
clear and reinforcement is immediate.

The Rosetta Stone uses thousands of
carefully selected pictures to create its
context of meaning. The program elicits the
student's response and gives instantaneous
feedback, confirming the comprehension that
has taken place. The program has been
developed as a carefully sequenced, step by
step process - as words build to phrases,
sentences and dialogs, new vocabulary and
syntax are progressively integrated in a
systematic, natural flow. Users work
exclusively in the target language because
The Rosetta Stone depends on pictures to
create its context of meaning. It uses the
mind's innate ability to directly associate
sound to meaning, without translation into
the native language of the learner.
Price $395.00 plus shipping and Handling.

Mac, Windows, Windows 95/98, Windows NT,
CD-Rom-/MPC - 486SX or better. 4MB RAM minimum.
CD-ROM drive. Super VGA, 256 colors at 640x480
Sound Blaster or Compatible. Macintosh - Color
MACintosh. 4MB RAM minimum. CD-ROM drive.

Best Regards,

George N. Hallak      Microsoft & Sakhr Arabic Software
AramediA Group        Software Localization Translation
761 Adams Street      617-825-3044 Fax 617-265-9648
Boston, MA 02122 USA

Date: 08 Jun 1999
From: Kassem Wahba <Kassem_Wahba at>
Subject: More materials

There are a lot of materials that can be of help, the following might be of

1- Elementary Modern Standard Arabic, Peter Abboud, Ernest McCarus and
others, Cambridge University Press, 1983. Part 1 and 2.
2- Al-Kitaab fii TaCallum al-Carabiyya, Abbas Al-Tonsi, Mahmoud Al-Batal
and others, Georgetown University Press, 1995. Part 1 and 2.
3- Al-Kitaab Al-'asaasy fi TaCliim Al-Lugha Al-Carabiyya, Al-SaCiid Badawi
and others, Al-Munadhama Al-Carabiyya lil-Tarbiya wal-Thaqaafa wal-Culuum,
Tunis, 1988.
All the above three books are accompanied by  Cassette tapes except for the
second one, it has video tapes too.
As for the third book, it is available in ALL PRINTS book store in Abu
Dhabi, U.A.E.
As for the first, It is available in the Cultural Center in Abu Dhabi, i.e,
you can borrow them.
As for the second, contact Georgetown University Press.
Kassem Wahba

End of Arabic-L: 08 Jun 1999

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