Arabic-L:PEDA:EMSA Companion

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Fri Sep 17 17:44:51 UTC 1999

Arabic-L: Fri 17 Sep 1999
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: EMSA Companion

Date: 17 Sep 1999
From: Kirk Belnap <rkb at>
Subject: EMSA Companion

We would like to make those involved in teaching and learning Arabic aware
of the following developments at BYU.  "EMSA Companion" is now available
for both the PC and Mac.  It is a multimedia instructional application
designed to complement Elementary Modern Standard Arabic (EMSA) by Abboud
et. al. (Cambridge Univ. Press).  It contains all vocabulary, all "basic
texts," and most drills found in EMSA and allows students to review,
practice, and test on them in an interactive format.  In addition to being
a helpful supplement to students enrolled in on-campus Arabic courses, we
feel that this software is especially well-suited for those working on
learning Arabic on their own.  For years, EMSA was the standard English
language text for learning MSA.  It is still one of the most detailed and
organized presentations of the Arabic language available.  More information
can be found at:

We are currently working on materials to accompany the Al-Kitaab...
textbook series by Brustad, Al-Batal, and Al-Tonsi (Georgetown Univ.
Press).  We have basically completed the Macintosh materials for Alif Baa
and Al-Kitaab, vol. 1.  We are presently discussing distribution with
Georgetown Univ. Press and will let you know when they will be ready for
distribution when we know.

End of Arabic-L: 17 Sep 1999

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