Arabic-L:LING: "hanîf" query

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Tue Jul 11 21:36:25 UTC 2000

Arabic-L: Tue 11 Jul 2000
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: "hanîf"query

Date: 11 Jul 2000
From: Muhammad Taufiq Prabowo <mtaufiqp at>
Subject: "hanîf"query

[moderator's note: this message came with characters that are unreadable on
my machine.  I'm not sure how it's going to come out once I send it out

Dear partners, I would appreciate your help if someone can inform me about
the meaning of the Arabic word &ldqu;fhanîf&rdqu;f in Aramaic and in
Ethiopic. The contextual meaning of &ldqu;fhanîf&rdqu;f in the Koran is not
in correlation with its lexical meaning, and I suppose that the word is a
loanword (?). I search its meaning for a tolerant view on religious

You can contact me through the following address:

Muhammad Taufiq PRABOWO
Arabic Section, Litteratures Dept. of Malang State University, Indonesia.
E.mail: <mtaufiqp at>

Best wishes,

Muhammad T.P.

End of Arabic-L: 11 Jul 2000

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