Arabic-L:LING:Shimaore Query

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Mon Mar 20 18:33:52 UTC 2000

Arabic-L: Mon 20 Mar 2000
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Shimaore Query

Date: 20 Mar 2000
From: Melissa Barkat <Melissa.Barkat at>
Subject: Shimaore Query

Dear Arabic-'Lers,

The Shimaore, language spoken in the Island of Mayotte (Comores) is a bantu
language which has been strongly influenced by Arabic.
In this language, a particular phenomenon of nasalaization is observed : in
all the terms that have been borrowed to Arabic where a "ayn" (i.e. voiced
pharyngeal frivative) is attested, the following vowel is clearly nazalized.

Is anyone conscious of a similar phenomenon in any dialect of Arabic that
would have influenced the Shimaore language ??

Thanks a lot for your help.

Chers Collègues,

"Le shimaore, langue de l'ile de Mayotte (Comores), est une langue bantoue
qui a ete tres fortement influencee par l'arabe, et dans laquelle on
observe un curieux phenomene de nasalisation: dans tous les termes
d'origine arabe qui comportent la pharyngale sonore (ayn), la voyelle qui
suit immediatement cette consonne se prononce nasale. Un phenomene
similaire aurait-il ete signale dans des parlers arabes susceptibles
d'avoir influence le comorien?"

Merci de votre aide.

End of Arabic-L: 20 Mar 2000

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