Arabic-L:GEN:Quark and Arabic-more info
Dilworth B. Parkinson
Dilworth_Parkinson at
Wed Nov 29 19:04:51 UTC 2000
Arabic-L: Wed 29 Nov 2000
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Quark and Arabic-more info
Date: 29 Nov 2000
From: GnhBos at
Subject: Quark and Arabic-more info
Since my earlier communication with Aaron Jensen, Layout Technical
Support team and AramediA have been on the issue of ArabicXT and
HebrewXT for QuarkXPress, trying to be of service. I am sorry for any
confusion or inconvenience from the "official" answers about the specs.
that were responsibly "repeated".
After thorough testing we found out that the user can run both ArabicXT
and HebrewXT at the same time, by having the 2 XTensions in the
XTension folder.
A user can have Arabic boxes and Hebrew boxes in the same document.
The user cannot have both languages in the same text box.
When the user is importing text files, the text files cannot have both
languages together. Every language must be in a separate text file.
Documents containing both languages cannot open except with
a Quark that contains both XTensions.
We have not seen any apparent conflicts when both XTensions
are running together. On the other hand we cannot guarantee
100% that there will not be any conflicts.
As for pricing, HebrewXT 4.0 Stand Alone for QuarkXPress 4.0
Passport, $695.00 Mac
HebrewXT 4.0 Support for ArabicXT 4.0, Mac $195.00
FarsiXT and JawiXT are also available at the same HebrewXT
price. For more information, and a download of a Free Demo:
For Desktop Publishing solutions, please contact AramediA
in Boston, Layout Ltd. in Beirut, or LayoutME in Dubai for
service, support, and information.
Best Regards,
George N. Hallak
AramediA Group
761 Adams Street
Boston, MA 02122, USA
mailto:info at
T 617-825-3044 F 265-9648
End of Arabic-L: 29 Nov 2000
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