Arabic-L:LIT:Islamic Lit Anthology Query

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Tue Aug 14 21:26:09 UTC 2001

Arabic-L: Tue 14 Aug 2001
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Islamic Lit Anthology Query

Date:  14 Aug 2001
From: Dil Parkinson <dil at>
Subject: Islamic Lit Anthology Query

A colleague of mine who usually teaches Islam classes has been
assigned to teach an Islamic culture history class which is supposed
to cover a broad range of Islamic literature, both Arabic and other,
including some Quran, hadith, siira, poetry, adab, etc. etc. from the
earliest times and up till today.
He was acquainted with a couple of anthologies that he thought might
be useful (Kritzek, Arberry) but has discovered that they are both
out of print.  Is anyone aware of a good anthology that covers all or
some of this material in an introductory way in English for an
undergraduate level class?  He is looking more for translations of
original works rather than a book about the works, but any suggestion
would be welcome.

End of Arabic-L:  14 Aug 2001

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