Arabic-L:LING:Coordination in EA

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Mon Dec 17 17:27:56 UTC 2001

Arabic-L: Mon 17 Dec 2001
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Coordination in EA

Date:  17 Dec 2001
From: Eloise Jelinek <jelinek at U.Arizona.EDU>
Subject: Coordination in EA

We would like to correct a couple of misstatements concerning Diesing and
Jelinek  (Natural Language Semantics 1995, 3:177-210).  The authors make
it clear (p. 133), that there are two kinds of pronouns in Egyptian
Arabic, the free-standing subject pronouns, vs. the encliticized object
(and possessive) pronouns.  The point we want to make is precisely the
contrast between these two pronoun types.

And on p. 168, in Exp. (72), there is no claim concerning a simultaneous
event.  We point out that while
         (72) a.  *shaaf-u wi hiyya
is incorrect, it is possible to say
         (72) b.  shaaf-u wi shaaf-ha
if one wishes to say "He saw [both] him and her".  Of course /shaaf-hum/
"He saw them" would be more natural, and (72b) would be used only to make
explicit that both a masculine and feminine object were included.  But
Diesing and Jelinek make no claim that this must be used in reference to a
single event; it could refer to two separate events of seeing.

Aside from these misquotes, we have found other discussion on these points
relevant and interesting.

Eloise Jelinek and Molly Diesing

End of Arabic-L:  17 Dec 2001

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