Arabic-L:LING:'head' and 'dependent' response

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Thu Mar 22 23:27:07 UTC 2001

Arabic-L: Thu 22 Mar 2001
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: 'head' and 'dependent' response

Date: 22 Mar 2001
From: "Schub, Michael" <michael.schub at>
Subject: 'head' and 'dependent' response

According to *A Dictionary of Modern Linguistic Terms* (Beirut 1983),

"head (of a microsegment)" is  / markazu  t-tarkiib /;

"head (of an intonation)" is / markazu  t-tanghiim /" and

"head word" is / al-kalimatu  l-markaziyyatu /. P. 35.

      The head of the wife, of course, is the husband (Bible).

"dependent clause" (p. 17) is / al-9ibaaratu  t-taabi9atu (ghayru

l-mustaqillati)/;  "dependent sound change" is / at-taghayyuru

S-Sawtiyyu  t-taabi9u \ al-mashruuTu /.

      Best wishes,

                                            Mike Schub

End of Arabic-L: 22 Mar 2001

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