Arabic-L:PEDA:NSU Summer Arabic Classes

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Mon May 7 14:43:56 UTC 2001

Arabic-L: Mon 07 May 2001
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: NSU Summer Arabic Classes

Date: 07 May 2001
From: Jeffrey Alan Sacks <jas80 at>
Subject: NSU Summer Arabic Classes

           Summer Arabic Courses at the New School University

The New School University (New York, NY) will be offering beginning and
intermediate Arabic language courses this summer.  All of the courses are
proficiency-based and designed to develop the linguistic skills necessary
for personal, academic and professional life.  The courses work with all
four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and also introduce
students to Arab culture.  Arabic is the primary language of instruction.

Level 1
1151   12 sessions. Tues. & Thurs., 5:50-7:35 p.m., beg. June 5.
An introduction to Modern Standard Arabic, the common language of the Arab
world, this course emphasizes four basic skills: listening, speaking,
reading, and writing (including learning the Arabic alphabet).
(3 credits)

Texts:  Brustad, K., et al.  Alif Baa.  Washington DC: Georgetown
University Press, 1995.  Brustad, K. et al.  Al-Kitaab (Vol. 1).
Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1995.

Level 2
1153   12 sessions. Tues. & Thurs., 7:45-9:30 p.m., beg. June 5.
This second semester of Modern Standard Arabic is designed to expand and
enhance basic knowledge. Students learn more about Arabic language and
culture through conversation and reading of selected texts. Arabic is the
primary vehicle for classroom communication and instruction.  (3 credits)

Texts:  Brustad, K. et al.  Al-Kitaab (Vol. 1).  Washington, DC:
Georgetown University Press, 1995.  Wehr, Hans.  A Dictionary of Modern
Written Arabic. ed. J. Milton. Cowan.  Ithaca: Spoken Language Services,
Inc., 1994.

Intermediate Immersion
1155   12 sessions. Mon. thru Thurs., 10:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m., beg. June 4.
This is a sequel to the accelerated introductory course.  Basic
understanding of Modern Standard Arabic is assumed (the equivalent of
levels one and two). Emphasis is on everyday conversation and developing
vocabulary. Students are also exposed to colloquial Arabic. Some sessions
are devoted to conversation based on outside readings.  (4 credits)

Texts:  Brustad, K. et al.  Al-Kitaab (Vol. 1).  Washington, DC:
Georgetown University Press, 1995.  Wehr, Hans.  A Dictionary of Modern
Written Arabic.  ed. J. Milton. Cowan.  Ithaca: Spoken Language Services,
Inc., 1994.

For more information please check the New School University website at:

End of Arabic-L: 07 May 2001

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