Arabic-L:LIT:New Issue of Al-Adab

Dilworth Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Thu Dec 5 20:32:38 UTC 2002

Arabic-L: Thu 05 Dec 2002
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:New Issue of Al-Adab

Date:  05 Dec 2002
From: Kirsten Idriss <kidriss at>
Subject:New Issue of Al-Adab

Please post this information about our most recent issue:


In the NOV-DEC, 2002 issue of AL-ADAB,
Arabic Literary and Cultural Review, in the Arabic Language
(#11-12/02, V.50) Published by Dar al-Adab, Beirut

e: $10, includes airmail postage
act: K. Idriss, kidriss at
y Part II & Part 1 (on Syrian censorship)      
ther for $15

Feature File - Censorship in Egypt: Following this summer’s provocative  
file on Syrian censorship, Al-Adab offers an extensive, multiplex study  
of the censorship of creative and political expression in Egypt.  With  
the goal of moving critiques of censorship out of the realm of  
discussion and into the realm of action, 19 leading Egyptian authors,  
journalists, professors, and publishers -- including Sunallah Ibrahim,  
Edward Kharrat, Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd, Samia Mehrez, Soumaya Ramadan, and  
al-Hajj Mohammad Madbouli -- examine the infamous events and less  
notorious mechanisms of Egyptian censorship.  How does censorship  
affect teaching, reporting, movie-making, thinking, and the writing of  
books yet unwritten?  This 67 page file, packed with candid testimony  
and intensive analysis, has been prepared by Ahmad al-Khamissi.  
-- “Censorship of Egyptian Journalism: Hidden Hands But Very Harsh,”  
Karem Yahya
-- “Censorship of Creative Production: the Logic of Banning to Protect  
Society,” Hasan Atiyya
-- “At the Cinema: Censorship or Not?” Ahmad Yusif
-- “Al-Khubz al-Hafi: the Declaration of Condemnation,” Samia Mehrez
-- “Censorship and its Consequences,” Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd
-- “Censorship and Tilka al-Ra’iha,” Sun’Allah Ibrahim
-- “A Secret Communique” Wafa’ al-Masri
-- “Censorship Is a Beast Threatening Writing,” Edward al-Kharrat
-- “The Wasteland,” Sumayya Ramadan
-- “The Dream of Freedom and Change,” Yaser Sha`ban
-- “Censorship is a Mindset,” Bahijat Hussein
-- “Haidar Writes... And I Go to Prison!” Hamdi Abu Jalil
-- “The Repression of Women’s Creativity,” Na`mat al-Buhairy
-- “Egyptian Publishing Houses and Censorship,” Al-Hajj Mohammad  
Madbouli, Mohammad Hashem, Hussien `Ashur, Salah al-Malla, and Ayman  

* Articles and Essays:
    -- Hisham Boustani, “5 Days in Jweideh Prison (Jordan): the  
Mechanics of Repression and     
    --`Abd al-Ghaffar Shakar, “Globalization and the Infiltration of  
Civil Society: the Dangers of Foreign Funding and Ways to Resist it”
    -- Mohammad Tawfiq al-Sawwaf, “The Image of the Arab in Israeli  

* Interview:
    -- Lutfia al-Dulaymi, “ Creativity is an Act Against Taming”

* Creative Writing and Essays:
    -- Original Poetry by Nazih Abu `Afash, “Beauty and the Beast”
    -- Short Stories by Mahmoud Sa`id, Al-Azhar al-Sahrawi, Noura  
Mohammad Farraj
* Editorial :
    -- Samah Idriss, “Our ‘New’ Culture”

                                               SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION  


SUBSCRIPTIONS:  Your subscription means the money you spend on each  
issue goes directly to Al-Adab, enabling the magazine to continue as  
the sole independent Arabic forum for vanguard ideas in print for half  
a century.  Subscriptions cost $30 per year in Lebanon (Allah la yaqta’  
hadan!) to which is added for outside subscriptions the cost of postage  
according to destination: $15 (to Arab countries excluding Tunis,  
Libya, Algeria, and Morocco), $20 (to European and African countries)  
or $30 (all other destinations).  You may notify us by e-mail (see  
above) of your decision to subscribe and send payment by check, money  
order or credit card.  Dar al-Adab, PO. Box 11-4123, Beirut 1107 2150,  
Lebanon; Fax: 9611-861-633.

End of Arabic-L:  05 Dec 2002

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