Arabic-L:GEN:Arabizing Windows 98 responses

Dilworth Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Sat Dec 14 00:18:15 UTC 2002

Arabic-L: Fri 13 Dec 2002
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Arabizing Windows 98 response
2) Subject:Arabizing Windows 98 response

Date:  13 Dec 2002
From: Paul Roochnik <paul at>
Subject:Arabizing Windows 98 response

Gaye Price asked about doing Arabic on a PC with Win98.  To the best of
my knowledge, you must install the Arabic-enabled version of Windows
98.  After that, you should install the Arabic-enabled version of MS
Office.  That is the platform on which I worked for 4 years and it
served my Arabic processing needs quite well.  Now I am using Win2k-Pro
which requires no Arabization.  Either way is fine.  Cheers from Abu

Date:  13 Dec 2002
From: "sattar.izwaini at"
Subject:Arabizing Windows 98 response

Windows 98 can be of two kinds for Arabic. The first is totally
Arabicized (with menus and online help in Arabic). The second is
'Arabic Enabled' which has menus in English, but it can process
Arabic texts and deals with text direction (right to left). Both can be
used for English texts of course. The second one is handy and
straight forward.
Now, what Windows do you have? Does it process Arabic?, i.e.
Are you able to see the text on the monitor and you can print it? if
yes, what is the problem?


End of Arabic-L:  13 Dec 2002

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