Arabic-L:GEN:Arabic Linux query

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Wed Feb 13 18:41:04 UTC 2002

Arabic-L: Wed 13 Feb 2002
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Arabic Linux query

Date:  13 Feb 2002
From: Andrew Freeman <andyf at>
Subject: Arabic Linux query

Howdy good arabic linguists,
alsalaamu 9alaykum wa ra7matu llaah wa barakaatuh,
ma9 'aTyaB at-ta7aayaa wa kull maa ba9duh

	Does anybody on the list have any experience with getting Arabic
text to display on a linux OS running on an intel processor???
many thanks in advance,
Andrew Freeman

End of Arabic-L:  13 Feb 2002

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