Arabic-L:LING:Collocational Dictionary replies
Dilworth B. Parkinson
Dilworth_Parkinson at
Mon Jan 21 21:33:27 UTC 2002
Arabic-L: Mon 21 Jan 2002
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Collocational Dictionary reply
2) Subject: Collocational Dictionary reply
Date: 21 Jan 2002
From: "sattar.izwaini at" <Sattar.Izwaini at>
Subject: Collocational Dictionary reply
This is a huge project for a master thesis. Its scope should be
defined to make it feasible. Questions like the following should be
- What kind of Arabic, classic or modern standard Arabic?
- If it it classic, should the Quran be included?
- Should poetry be included?
- If it is modern standard Arabic, which time is to be considered as
the beginning of its period?
- Is it general MSA, or specialized? I mean scientific, technical,
journalistic, etc.
- What is the scope of collocation? Is it bound, restricted, general
co-occurrences and word associations, or all of these?
The following bibliography can be useful:
Allerton, D., 1984, Three (or Four) Levels of Word Coocurrance
Restriction, in Lingua, 63, 17-40.
Benson, M., 1989, The Structure of the Collocational Dictionary, in
International Journal of Lexicography 2:1, 1-14.
Benson, M, Benson, E. and Ilson, R., 1986a, Lexicographic description
of English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Benson, M, Benson, E. and Ilson, R., 1986b, The BBI Combinatory
Dictionary of English, Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Cowie, A. P., 1978, The Place of Illustrative material and
collocations in the design of learner’s dictionary, in Strevens P
(ed.), In Honour of A.S. Hornby, Oxford: Oxford University
Cowie, A. P.,, 1981, The Treatment of Collocations and Idioms in
Learner’s Dictionaries, in Applied Linguistics, 2 (3): 223-235.
Cruse, D. A., 1986, Lexical Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Al-Hamathani, A., 1980, al-Alfaz al-Kitabiyah, (no place), al- Dar
al-Arabiyah lil Kitab.
Hartmann, R. R. K. (ed.), 1983, Lexicography: Principles and
Practice, London: Academic Press, Inc.
Ibn Siydah, al-Mukhssass, 1970, Beirut: al-Maktab al-Tijary.
Mackin, R., 1978, On collocation: ‘Words shall be known by the
company they keep’, in Strevens P (ed.), In Honour of A.S. Hornby,
Oxford: Oxford University Press. 149-165.
Sinclair, J., 1991, Corpus, concordance, collocation, Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Al-Tha’alibi, A., undated, Fiqh al-Lugha wa sirr al-Arabiyah, Cairo:
al-Maktabah al-Tijariyah,.
Al-Yaziji, A., 1904/1985, Kitab Naj’at al-Ra’id wa Shar’at al- Warid
fi al-Mutreadif wa al-Mutwarid, Bierut: Librairie Di Liban.
Sattar Izwaini PhD Student Department of Language and Linguistics
UMIST PO Box 88 Manchester M60 1QD England
Tel.+44 161 200 3074 Fax +44 161 200 3099
Date: 21 Jan 2002
From: Paul Stevens <pstevens at>
Subject: Collocational Dictionary reply
Tomoko Kondo asked for references to information about making a
pocket dictionary of collocation. To get an idea of what is involved
in making a dictionary, Tomoko might consult Virginia Stevens' paper
on "Compiling and English-to-Egyptian Arabic Dictionary: Difficulties
Encountered", published in Alaa Elgibali, ed. 1996. Understanding
Arabic: Essays in Contemporary Arabic Linguistics in Honor of El-Said
Badawi. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press. Pp. 145-156.
The paper deals with problems regarding transcription, vocabulary,
etc. that she and Maurice Salib ran into when compiling their Pocket
Dictionary of the Spoken Arabic of Cairo (Cairo: AUC Press) (2/e
Paul Stevens
American University in Cairo
End of Arabic-L: 21 Jan 2002
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