Arabic-L:GEN:Unicode Font Query

Dilworth Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Wed Mar 20 19:11:43 UTC 2002

Arabic-L: Wed 20 Mar 2002
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Unicode Font Query

Date:  20 Mar 2002
From:Dilworth Parkinson
Subject:Unicode Font Query

Two developers who are working on an Arabic CAI project for the web have
been using the Windows Arial Unicode font to display Arabic.  The font
is readable at larger sizes (not so readable at medium or smaller sizes)
but it has a kind of 'busy' rather than 'clean' look, and doesn't really
seem right for beginning and even intermediate level CAI.  Does anyone
know of any Unicode fonts out there (either free or commercial) that
have a clean, simple looking Arabic, without all the curvy, fancy
busyness of some of the recent fonts?

End of Arabic-L:  20 Mar 2002

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