Arabic-L:LING:New Issue of Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam

Dilworth Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Thu Jan 9 17:16:13 UTC 2003

Arabic-L: Thu 09 Jan 2003
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1) Subject:New Issue of Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam

Date:  09 Jan 2003
From: Yohanan Friedmann <msyfried at>
Subject:New Issue of Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam

		The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

	      The Institute of Asian and African Studies
	       The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation

		is pleased to announce the publication of

		Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam

	   vol. 26(2002) (278 pp.) and vol. 27(2002) (609 pp.)

			Studies in honour of Shaul Shaked

Volume 26 - Guest editor: Werner Sundermann (Freie Universitat, Berlin)

Table of Contents:

W. Sundermann, 	Foreword
J. Kellens,	Reflexions sur la datation de Zoroastre
P.O. Skjaervo,	Praise and blame in the Avesta: The poet-sacrificer and
		his duties	
H. Humbach,	Yama/Yima/Jamsed, king of Paradise of the Iranians
R. Frye,	Ethnic identity in Ancient Iran
G. Gnoli,	The "Aryan" language
A. Hultgard,	Creation and emanation: Zoroastrian reflections on the
		cosmogonic myth
M. Macuch,	The Talmudic expression "Servant of the Fire" in light of
		Pahlavi legal sources
G. Lazard,	Encore la versification Pehlevie
A.V. Rossi,	Middle Iranian "gund" between Aramaic and Indo-Iranian
W. Sundermann,	"El" as an epithet of the Manichaean "Third Messenger"
P. Gignoux,	Une amulette du Museum fur Islamische Kunst de Berlin
G. Veltri,	The figure of the magician in Rabbinical literature:from
		empirical science to theology
J.R. Russel,	Room at the inn: Armenian P'ut'kavank and Sroasa
G.G. Stroumsa,	Thomas Hyde and the birth of Zoroastrian studies
J. Naveh,	Some new Jewish Palestinian Aramaic amulets

Reviews by J.N. Ford and Meir M. Bar Asher

Volume 27 - Table of Contents

M.J. Kister, 	The struggle against Musaylima and the conquest of Yamama
A. Arazi,	Les poemes sur la nativite du Prophete Muhammad a Grenade
		au XIV siecle
D. Shulman, 	Tamil praises and the Prophet: Kacimpulavar's "Tiruppukal"
M. Lecker,	The levying of taxes for the Sasanians in pre-Islamic
		Medina (Yathrib)
R. Shani, 	Noah's Ark and the ship of faith
S. Sviri,	Words of power and the power of words
M. Omidsalar,	Orality, mouvance and editorial theory in Shahnama studies
M. Zakeri,	Some early Persian apophthegms (tawqi`at)
H. Daiber,	Der Aristoteleskommentar Alexander von Aphrodisias (2/3
		Jh. n. Chr)  und der samaritanische Gelehrte Levi uber
		die Ewigkeit der Welt
J. Blau,	Hebrew versus other languages of the medieval Jewish
A. Levin,	An interpretation of a difficult passage from the Kitab
G. Khan,	The notion of transitive and intransitive actions in the
		early Karaite grammatical tradition
S Hopkins,	On the Vorlage of an early Judaeo-Arabic translation of
S. Stroumsa,	From the earliest Judaeo-Arabic commentary on Genesis
T. Gindin,	Three fragments of an early Judaeo-Persian "Tafsir" on
A. Netzer, 	Early Judaeo-Persian fragment from Zafreh
E. Yarshater,	The Jewish dialect of Kashan
S. Soroudi	"Sofreh" of Elijah the prophet: a pre-Islamic Iranian
D. Shapira, 	Five Judaeo-Turkic notes
M. Amir Mo`ezzi	Shahbanu, dame du pays d'Iran et mere des imams
		entre l'Iran pre-Islamique et le Shiisme imamite
E. Jeremias,	Rabita in the classical Persian literay tradition: the
		impact of Arabic logic on Persian

Reviews by M. Schwartz, L. Chipman, S. Gunther and J. Rubanovich

Inquiries: E-mail: msjsai at / Fax: +972- 2-588-3658

Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam
The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jerusalem 91905, Israel

End of Arabic-L:  09 Jan 2003

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