Arabic-L:PEDA:Still time to join NMELRC Arabic Instructors Seminar

Dilworth Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Wed Mar 26 19:08:04 UTC 2003

Arabic-L: Wed 26 Mar 2003
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Still time to join NMELRC Arabic Instructors Seminar

Date: 26 Mar 2003
From:Stan Jarvis <stan_jarvis at>
Subject:Still time to join NMELRC Arabic Instructors Seminar

There are still a few spaces remaining for the Arabic Instructor's  
Seminar to be held at Middlebury this coming summer.  All interested  
are invited to apply.  Here is the original message:

NMELRC is happy to announce that it will offer its first Arabic  
Instructor Training Seminar, to be held inMiddlebury,VermontJuly 18-  
August 1, 2003in cooperation withMiddleburyCollege.  The seminar  
activities will be carried out in conjunction with the Middlebury  
College School of Arabic, which will provide participants with the  
opportunity to immerse themselves in an intensive learning and teaching  
environment at all levels of proficiency. 

The seminar will focus on all aspects of college level Arabic  
instruction: syllabus design, developing students' abilities in the  
various skills, teaching grammar and vocabulary, facilitating small  
group work, assessment and testing.  It will provide both theoretical  
training in pedagogy and hands-on training through class observation  
and practice teaching.

Training sessions will be led by Dr. Kristen Brustad (EmoryUniversity),  
Dr. Mahdi Alosh (OhioState), Dr. Mahmoud Abdallah (WashingtonUniv.St  
Louis & MiddleburyCollege, and Dr.Mahmoud Al-Batal(Emory).

The cost for participation in this seminar includes personal  
transportation to Middlebury and $600 for room and board for two weeks  
for participants who opt to live in the same residence hall in which  
students and faculty of theSchoolofArabiclive. The accommodations are  
in suites with shared facilities.  Any who would prefer to live off  
campus can do so by contacting some of the hotels or motels in the  
Middlebury area. Please note that living off campus requires a car.  

Only 15 people can be accommodated for this year’s seminar.  Therefore  
the process of acceptance will be competitive.  Much of the decision  
will be based on the statement of purpose submitted in individual  
applications.  The Arabic Language Board of NMELRC will consider the  
applications and make the final selection. Final selections are  
expected by May 10to give sufficient time for those who are accepted to  
send their room and board fees to Middlebury and to handle their  
personal travel arrangements.


All interested applicants should send the following information  
immediately to NMELRCat



1. Name:        -

2. Institution:   -

3. Position:     -

4. Campus address:


5. Campus phone     :                                               fax:

6. Campus e-mail:


7. Home address:


8. Home phone:

9. Home e-mail:




            1. How much experience teaching Arabic in US?

            2. What prior training in language instruction?

3. Have you had overseas learning in Arabic?

4. Do you have native language Arabic capability?




Please submit a statement of purpose of 500 words or less to explain  
your future career goals and how this teacher training seminar will  
help you achieve these goals. Also discuss your expectations from  
participation in the seminar.




Stan Jarvis
Coordinator, NMELRC
Stan_Jarvis at
801 422-7192

End of Arabic-L:  26 Mar 2003

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