Arabic-L:GEN:Arabic tagger response;Arabic Linux query & response

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at
Tue Jan 11 16:38:11 UTC 2005

Arabic-L: Tue 11 Jan  2005
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Arabic tagger response;Arabic Linux query
2) Subject:Arabic Linux qresponse

Date: 11 Jan  2005
From:Andrew Freeman <andyf at>
Subject:Arabic tagger response;Arabic Linux query

The sunos version of a segmenter, tagger, and assorted tools with source

The windows version of same with source plus CMU language modeling
toolkit with source.

Is there Arabic editing software for an English interface version of

By the way, does anybody know of any vendors marketing software to edit
and view Arabic text in linux or unix, that does not involve downloading
a completely Arabized build of the linux operating system?  This is sort
of in response to more than one group of people that I know who are most
comfortable working on linux systems.  I am also embarrassed to admit
that I do not know how to edit Arabic texts in linux, and I only know
how to view Arabic test on linux with a web browser.

I am aware of an Arabized linux OS at

However, I am a little reluctant to devote an entire boot image (at
least), not to mention taking the day off (at best) to create that boot
image, just to view and edit Arabic text when it is so easy for me to
edit it in Windows or with my aging Mac and its puny 4 gig hard drive
and system 9.2.

Any pointers or ideas in this regard would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Andrew Freeman, PhD (Arabic & Linguistics), BS Computer Science
Senior Artificial Intelligence Engineer
The Mitre Corporation
7525 Colshire Dr
MS H305
McLean, VA 22102
afreeman at

Date: 11 Jan  2005
From:Andrew Freeman <andyf at>
Subject:Arabic Linux response

No sooner had I sent my previous email, than I received an email on
another list pointing me to all things Arabic linux :

Andrew Freeman, PhD Arabic Linguistics, BS computer science
afreeman at

End of Arabic-L:  11 Jan  2005

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