Arabic-L;GEN:Boat Song responses

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Wed Nov 2 20:34:45 UTC 2005

Arabic-L: Wed 11 Nov 2005
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Boat Song responses

Date: 11 Nov 2005
Subject:Boat Song responses

Thanks to everyone who replied to the query about boat songs.  I have  
passed them on to the scholar who asked for the information.  some of  
you wrote me asking that I also post the responses here, so here they  

Date: 11 Nov 2005
From:emailghassan at
Subject:Boat Song response

There is one famous song in arabic called" Ya BaHriyya Heila Heila".  
I do not remember who sings it, as it is a kind of folkloric song.

Date: 11 Nov 2005
From:katia.zakharia at
Subject:Boat Song response

Cher collegue,
Michel Nieto, who works in Aix-en-Provence, has written at least one  
article about  boat songs in Yemen today and their deep roots in the  
past. The article can be read on  
and was also published in the paper issue of Chroniques yemenites
His Email adress is nieto at
As far as I remember, as I had a long discussion with him about the  
translation in french of these songs, other scholars did study the  
same questions and I think he might give more detailed information
Hoping this will be of some use,
Katia Zakharia

Date: 11 Nov 2005
From:eissa at
Subject:Boat Song response

Two or three songs come to mind:

يا مراكبي 		محمد العزبي
ياسايق الغليون	محمد عبد المطلب
عدى البحرية 	؟؟؟؟؟
النيل نحاشي		محمد عبد الوهاب

	The first song is part of a repertoire of the Egyptian folkdance
troupe "Reda". The second is associated with Nasser's nationalization  
of the
Suez Canal. The third is a song I hear always song by a non Egyptian  
but I have no idea about the origin of it. Nevertheless, the lyric and
delivery is overly in Cairo dialect.  The fourth is the famous older  
song by
Muhammad Abdel Wahab which is supposed to be sung while in a foluka  
in the

	Hope this shed a glimpse of light on the subject. Hope to hear more
from others.
Muhammad S. Eissa, Ph. D.
President, EISSA & ASSOCIATES, Inc.
Arabic and Islamic Consulting & Education
2020 Orrington Ave., Evanston, IL 60201
Ph. (847) 869-4775
Fax. (847) 869-4773
E.MAIL: eissa at

Date: 11 Nov 2005
From:kbrusta at
Subject:Boat Song response

for boat songs the person should get in touch with Folklore  
Institutes in the Gulf countries, Kuwait in particular I know has  
one. I don't know if they are available in English though or even of  
the people there speak English.  S/he could look for things on the  
web perhaps.

Date: 11 Nov 2005
From:shilmi at
Subject:Boat Song response

There are a lot.
The word we usually use is  "Hailla" .  The most popular one is  
Fairooz's song, "Hella Ya Rafi'"  but this song is to get the boat  
I have to think of more, but I realized that countries like Egypt,  
Lebanon, Qatar and Bahrain are good at these.


Date: 11 Nov 2005
From:capraia at
Subject:Boat Song response

the syrian and jordanian informants that i asked about
the boat songs told me that there´s one song to Fairuz
which is used for that purpose: "Hila ya-wase`". It
begins like this: Hila ya-wase`, hila, hila, hila;
markabak raje`, hila, hila, hila; DaHkatak farHatak,
hila, hila, hila"...etc...

Many other sea songs exist (among them one very well
known to Marcel Khalifa called "Ya baHriyya") but they
said Fairuz' is the one used for that purpose.
Obviously, in the Maghreb there must be a completely
different repertoire.



Date: 11 Nov 2005
From:sharqawy at
Subject:Boat Song response

Hi there

I think there is alot of that kind of songs in the arab world and is  
archieved in some egyptian folk studies groups

it also available somehow in the books dealing with arabic folk songs

thank you

Abdel Rahman Elsharqawy

Arabic language dept.

Cairo university

End of Arabic-L:  11 Nov 2005

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