Arabic-L:GEN:More on Boat Songs

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Mon Nov 14 18:34:11 UTC 2005

Arabic-L: Mon 14 Nov 2005
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:More on Boat Songs

Date: 14 Nov 2005
From:eissa at
Subject:More on Boat Songs

Speaking of Haila haila, I vividly remember the boat song in an old  
Egyptian radio program called “Ma`ruuf al-Iskafi”. The words I  
remember go like this (haila haila salli `a nnabi . . . . haila hail  
salli `a nnabi . . ;. Ya raiyyed salli `a nnabi ya raiyyes.” I  
believe the singer was Karim Mahmoud.

             Stay buoyant, salaam

Muhammad S. Eissa, Ph. D.

End of Arabic-L:  14 Nov 2005

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