A Dictionary of Medieaval Judaeo-Arabic Texts
Yohanan Friedmann
Sun Aug 27 13:39:43 UTC 2006
The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
The Academy of the Hebrew Language
are pleased to announce the publication of
"A Dictionary of Mediaeval Judaeo-Arabic Texts"
Joshua Blau
Jewish culture in the Arabic-speaking lands reached one of its
pinnacles in the first third of the second millennium CE. Cultured Jews spoke
Arabic as well as Hebrew, and it was in Judaeo-Arabic that members of the
Jewish elite wrote some of their most sophisticated prose works.
Mediaeval Judaeo-Arabic texts are written in Middle Arabic, which contains
classical and later elements. The latter do not appear in standard dictionaries
of Classical Arabic, and it is to these post-classical, neo-Arabic, and
pseudo-correct terms and expressions that Joshua Blau's Dictionary of
Mediaeval Judaeo-Arabic Texts is primarily devoted. Blau's work thus takes its
place alongside R. Dozy's celebrated "Supplément aux dictionnaires arabes",
and, indeed, the Middle Arabic elements he documents are to a great extent
identical with Middle Arabic elements found in other Arabic writings of the
This first comprehensive dictionary of Mediaeval Judaeo-Arabic
contains about 9000 entries. The lemmas are presented in both Arabic and Hebrew
scripts, and in order to make the Dictionary of some use to English-reading
scholars of Middle Arabic, they are translated into English as well as Hebrew.
The Dictionary is based largely on the works of leading Jewish
scholars of the period, including Saadia Gaon, Judah Halevi, and Maimonides,
but it also refers to the Responsa literature, legal documents, and personal
and commercial letters. A special section is devoted to lexicographical
literature. The numerous examples appear in the original language and in
Hebrew translation.
Professor Joshua Blau is a leading authority on Judaeo-Arabic studies.
He is Professor Emeritus of Arabic Language and Literature at the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, a Member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and
Humanities, and former President of the Academy of the Hebrew Language. His
publications include "A Grammar of Christian Arabic" (Louvain 1966-1967);
"Studies in Middle-Arabic and its Judaeo-Arabic Variety" (Jerusalem 1988); "The
Emergence and Linguistic Background of Judaeo-Arabic" (Jerusalem 1999); and "A
Handbook of Early Middle Arabic" (Jerusalem 2002).
2006. 820 pp. 21 × 27 cm. Cloth. $105
ISBN 965-208-171-X
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