help: teaching reading in Arabic_ Arabic -L

maabdelw at PURDUE.EDU maabdelw at PURDUE.EDU
Thu Aug 31 00:31:29 UTC 2006

Hi Talaat
    Try  Fi Tallum al arabiyyah, but since  this textbook has some 
shortcomings, you may need to get the stuff you wanted from the internet and 
edit it in such away that fits the level of your students

       try Juha'a anecdotes in the internet. they are lively and appealing to 
students.  I write to my students what i remember from my elementary school
 The two rooster   the peasant and the land, the burried treasure. I;m  afraid 
these short stories are not available on the internet, Since students love 
funny yet instructive stuff, it might be a good idea to try 

   Good luck M wali
Quoting Talaat Pasha <Talaat.Pasha at UTAH.EDU>:

> Salamaat all,
> I wonder if anyone has taught intermediate/ advanced course in reading in
> Arabic. I would appreciate any suggestions/ idea of the material, textbooks,
> if any etc. I would like to introduce the students to various genres of
> written Arabic: classical, modern, short stories, media, literature etc. 
> Any ideas are very welcome,
> Talaat

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