Arabic-L:LING:Needs info on Linguisitcs PhD programs with Arabic Sociolinguistics

Dilworth Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at BYU.EDU
Wed Feb 1 18:28:52 UTC 2006

Arabic-L: Wed 01 Feb 2006
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Needs info on Linguisitcs PhD programs with Arabic  

Date: 01 Feb 2006
From:Linguistique520 at
Subject:Needs info on Linguisitcs PhD programs with Arabic  

[please respond directly to the poster--moderator]

I'm currently an MA student at Arizona State University in  
linguistics....My future plans are to work with the Arabic dialects  
in sociolinguistics.  I was hoping that you would have some knowledge  
to where I may find PhD programs in the country, having an Arabic  
linguist on staff.

I'd appreciate any advice you may have

Thank you

Joseph Walloch

End of Arabic-L:  01 Feb 2006

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