Arabic-L:LING:Needs references on Diglossia in Children

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Fri Mar 10 22:24:53 UTC 2006

Arabic-L: Fri 10 Mar 2006
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Needs references on Diglossia in Children

Date: 10 Mar 2006
From:monahtsabir at
Subject:Needs references on Diglossia in Children

My name is Mona Sabir. I am an MA student of linguistics at King  
Abdul-Aziz University; Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

I am doing a research in the Manifestation of Diglossia in the speech  
of a five years old child. Can you please inform me if there are some  
researches done in Diglossia & children because I did not find any.   
Also, would it be possible to email me some related studies to  
diglossia in Arabic if you have electronic versions of them or just  
tell me where I can find them on the net.

Thanks for your time & effort in advance.

Best Regards.

End of Arabic-L:  10 Mar 2006

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