Arabic-L:TRANS&PEDA:ME Translation faculty

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Wed Dec 12 00:39:31 UTC 2007

Arabic-L: Tue 11 Dec 2007
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:ME Translation faculty

Date: 11 Dec 2007
From:"David Wilmsen" <david.wilmsen at>
Subject:ME Translation faculty

The Arabic and Translation Studies Division at the School of
Continuing Education of the American University in Cairo specializes
in training translators and interpreters in many technical fields,
including legal, economic and commercial, UN terminology, print media
among other fields.

The programme grants a professional certificate, not a degree.

As the former director of this programme, and remaining in close
contact with the administration and its instructors, I can vouch for
the quality of this programme.  There are a few other good ones that
you might consider.  Two of which I am familiar are these:

École Supérieure Roi Fahd de Traduction
Université Abdelmalek Essaadi
Tanger, Maroc

Notre Dame University
Zouk Mosbeh

Both of these grant masters degrees.

There are few other institutions in Lebanon that provide translation
training.  St Joseph University, for instance, grants a bachelors,
masters, and doctorate in translation.

David Wilmsen
Associate Professor of Arabic
Department of Arabic and Near Eastern Languages
American University of Beirut
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