Arabic-L:PEDA:Reading Strategies response

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Thu Feb 1 20:24:06 UTC 2007

Arabic-L: Thu 01 Feb 2007
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Reading Strategies response

Date: 01 Feb 2007
From: "Dora Johnson" <dora at>
Subject:Reading Strategies response

There is a little bit of information on this subject in the literature
review done by the National Literacy Panel (Developing Literacy in
Second-Language Learners, Lawrence Erlbaum 2006).

The other report on this also shows up the paucity of information on
this topic was done by Development Associates and I believe it is
somewhere in press. For further information, you might want to contact
Annette Zehler of our staff at azehler at for more information on
the report.

These publications are focussed on students learning English who come
from Arabic and/or backgrounds that employ a different writing system so
they're not exactly what you're looking for but they're informative.

The other group that has done some work on learning strategies (but not
for kids) is the National Capital Language Resource Center. Contact
Catharine Keatley for information on the work she and other colleagues
have been doing with students of Arabic as a foreign language. Her
e-mail is ckeatley at

It is possible that there is some work being done on this at the Center
for the Advanced Study of Language at the University of Maryland, but
who knows when that information will be available to the public!

Dora Johnson

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