Arabic-L:LING:Arabic Transcription System refs

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Wed Jun 13 16:55:46 UTC 2007

Arabic-L: Wed 13 Jun 2007
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Arabic Transcription System refs

Date: 13 Jun 2007
From:"Alexis Neme" <alexis.neme at>
Subject:Arabic Transcription System refs

Dear colleage,

    For computer application, the most common transcription system is
Tim Buckwalter transcription (Penn university): for each letter in
Arabic there is only one letter in Latin alphabet.

For a similar pronunciation of Arabic in western alphabet, Buckwalter
transcription is good but i think you can find better solution or
maybe it does not fit your requirement.


End of Arabic-L:  13 Jun 2007

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