Arabic-L:LING:note on plurals of paucity and abundance

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Tue May 8 18:03:30 UTC 2007

Arabic-L: Tue 08 May 2007
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:note on plurals of paucity and abundance

Date: 08 May 2007
From:"Schub, Michael B." <Michael.Schub at>
Subject:note on plurals of paucity and abundance

for Ignacio:  on plurals of paucity and abundance.  In the 'vanilla'  
Protestant (Smith/VanDyke)  Arabic version of the Bible, the  
reference to the three wives of Noah's sons are (1)  /nisaa'/ [pl.  
abundance] Genesis 6.18.  and (2) Gen. 7.7,13:
/zawjaat--hum/ [pl. of paucity].
       in the indigenous Jesuit translation (Beirut), which displays  
more elegant style throughout, they are consistently referred to as  / 
niswah/ [pl. paucity].  best wishes,
                       Mike Schub

End of Arabic-L:  08 May 2007

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