Arabic-L:PEDA:San Diego State Summer Institutes

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Wed Jan 9 17:42:57 UTC 2008

Arabic-L: Wed 09 Jan 2008
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:San Diego State Summer Institutes

Date: 09 Jan 2008
From:hanada at
Subject:San Diego State Summer Institutes

  December 15th, 2007

Dear Colleagues:

We are writing to you because we know of your strengths in the fields
of Middle Eastern and Slavic languages and cultures, and we want to  
ask for your
help in recruiting students to our Persian, Arabic, and Russian  

The following courses are offered through LARC (the Language  
Acquisition Resource Center) program, the Critical Language Immersion  

All courses are FLAS eligible (over 150 h. of contact hours)
First Year Intensive Arabic & Persian: June 9-August 1st, 2008(8 units  
First Year Intensive Russian: June 9-August 1st, 2008(10 units)
Second Year Intensive Arabic & Persian: June 9-August 1st, 2008(8  
units each)

In the U.S., the following courses are only offered at LARC/SDSU:
Professional Level Arabic & Persian:   July 7-Aug. 15 (6 units each(.

Credit available for all the courses listed above. Cost: $1500/course

Teams of highly qualified teachers are employed at each level to offer  
a variety of teaching styles and pedagogical strategies. The teams use  
task-based instruction and simulations at the lower levels.  At all  
levels, the master teacher/apprentice teacher model is used to promote  
ongoing and continuous progress toward reaching the course goal.  
Students registering for the Professional level courses are often  
themselves teachers or native speakers of the language who want to  
refresh their skills.  Applicants will need to take an OPI (Oral  
Proficiency Interview), by telephone before being accepted into the  
program. They will also be required to submit a personal statement  
written in the target language (300 words).

Please contact Dr. Atefeh Oliai (Persian), Dr. Hanada Taha-Thomure  
(Arabic), or Dr. Veronica Shapovalov (Russian) for further information  
about the programs and application processes,
or see for more detailed  
information. LARC's telephone number is 619-594-7887.

We thank you for your help in making this information available to  
qualified students and teachers.


Dr. Mary Ann Lyman-Hager                         Dr. Bonnie Stewart
LARC Director                                             Project  

Dr. Atefeh Oliai                                       Dr. Hanada Taha- 
Thomure                                 Dr. Veronica  Shapovalov
aoliai at                       hthomure at 
veronica.shapovalov at                                         
619-594-0371                   619-594-7147

End of Arabic-L:  09 Jan 2008

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