Arabic-L:GEN:Washington Post article response; more blogging on issue

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Fri Jul 18 16:59:35 UTC 2008

Arabic-L: Fri 18 Jul 2008
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Washington Post article response
1) Subject:more blogging on state of US Arabic teaching

Date: 18 Jul 2008
From:Samia Montasser <montasser at>
Subject:Washington Post article response

Dear all, dear Dora,
Thanks for sharing this response with us.
When I first read the article, I laughed and sent it directly to Mahmoud
only, that was before seeing it on Arabic-L.
What came into my mind directly is the Egyptian saying "mal'uush filward
3eeb, 'aaluu ya7mar elxadden". Literal translation,
"They found no defect in roses, they said "Oh! you red cheek".
It was very obvious from the article written, that it has a certain aim,
without touching the linguistic content at all. However,
the writer, unintentionally, pointed out the success of the book by
mentioning where it is used, academia and government and
I use it here as well in the UN, (isn't Maha's father that Mr. Pollack
referred too work at the UN?).
Ms. Gharavi, being in the same position as Mr Pollack, gave the best
response to the specific points Mr Pollack used to criticize the
Salaam to all,

Samia S. Montasser
Arabic Language
The United Nations

Date: 18 Jul 2008
From: "Alexander J. Stein" <alharaka at>
Subject:more blogging on state of US Arabic teaching

[moderator's note: I am happy to post notices of blogs and other  
internet info on Arabic language teaching, and doing so implies no  
recommendation of the views expressed one way or the other.  The  
appropriate place to respond to such blogs is on the blogs  
themselves.  If you would like to raise one of the issues from the  
blog on Arabic-L, please do it in a way that does not require readers  
to go read the blog in order to figure out what you are talking  

Professor Parkinson,

This is, of course, a shameless plug. But some professors have already  
commented on this. Their comments deserve much more attention than the  
original post, at least in my opinion.

I would love to hear more from other professors. If this is too  
forward, I understand if you do not send it.


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