Arabic-L:GEN:Needs help with Turkish names

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Mon Sep 22 21:02:07 UTC 2008

Arabic-L: Mon 22 Sep 2008
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Needs help with Turkish names

Date: 22 Sep 2008
From:Mai Zaki <maizaki at>
Subject:Needs help with Turkish names

Dear colleagues,

I am currently doing an English-Arabic translation where there are  
many terms in Turkish including proper names. As I don't know Turkish  
at all, I would be grateful if someone can help me with the correct  
pronunciation/translation of these terms.
Thank you so much in advance.

Proper names of folk literary figures:
Âşık Mahzunî, Âşık Veysel, Dadaloğlu, Derûn Abdal, Erzurumlu  
Emrah, Gevheri, Karacaoğlan, Köroğlu, Pir Sultan Abdal and Yunus Emre

Names of literary works:
Divanü Lügat-it Türk, Kutadgu Bilig, Orhun Abideleri, and Seyahatname

âşık literature
post-Tanzimat Turkish literature

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