Arabic-L:PEDA:"Once upon a time" story

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Sat May 9 17:57:50 UTC 2009

Arabic-L: Sat 09 May 2009
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:"Once upon a time" story
2) Subject:"Once upon a time" story

Date: 09 May 2009
From:David Wilmsen <david.wilmsen at>
Subject:"Once upon a time" story

I suggest the story from the Arabian Nights told in Egyptian Arabic in  
Mustafa Mughazy's Egyptian Arabic textbook Dardasha (2004, NARLC  
Press. Madison, Wisconsin). It maybe be found on pp258-267 including  
glossary and explanatory notes. The text of the story itself is about  
four pages long and begins with the formulaic 'kaan ya ma kaan" which  
as close as you can get to "once upon a time".

David Wilmsen, PhD, Arabic language and linguistics
Visiting Associate Professor of Arabic
Department of Arabic and Near Eastern Languages
American University of Beirut

Date: 09 May 2009
From:Samia Kholoussi [skholoussi at]
Subject:"Once upon a time" story

Take a look at قالت الراوية: حكايات من وجهة  
نظر المرآة من وحي نصوص شعبية عربية،  
تحرير هالة كمال (١٩٩٩)
ISBN 977-5895-02-2

End of Arabic-L:  09 May 2009

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