Arabic-L:PEDA:Advertise STARTALK on ArabicK-12

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Wed May 20 17:27:17 UTC 2009

Arabic-L: Wed 20 May 2009
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Advertise STARTALK on ArabicK-12

Date: 20 May 2009
From:arabick12 at
Subject:Advertise STARTALK on ArabicK-12

Advertise your STARTALK Arabic workshop on the Arabic K-12 Listserv

Dear STARTALK administrators, presenters, & teachers:

Are you involved in a STARTALK Arabic workshop this summer?
Interested in increasing exposure of your program to the Arabic K-12  

The National Capital Language Resource Center invites you to advertise  
STARTALK student and teacher programs for Arabic on the Arabic K-12  
rv. This listserv is a free weekly resource that reaches over 700  
in the K-12 Arabic language field.

We are collecting advertisements for programs around the country and  
will =
send them out to our members on a regular basis throughout the summer.  
I kn=
ow many such programs have application deadlines approaching soon, so  
the s=
ooner you get me your ad, the sooner I can send it to our members. E- 
mail m=

End of Arabic-L:  20 May 2009
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