Arabic-L:PEDA:Arabic at ACTFL

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Wed May 20 17:27:11 UTC 2009

Arabic-L: Wed 20 May 2009
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Arabic at ACTFL

Date: 20 May 2009
From:Michael Greer <mike at>
Subject:Arabic at ACTFL

Join the ACTFL Arabic Special Interest Group

As many of you know, the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign  
Languages (ACTFL) saw the formation of the Arabic Special Interest  
Group last fall (SIG). This was done in conjunction with the American  
Association of Teachers of Arabic. For several years we have been  
discussing ways to develop a more supportive relationship between  
ACTFL and the AATA. To create a working relationship is a bit  
difficult since the AATA meets at MESA (Middle East Studies  
Association) and those of us who are in K-12 foreign language  
education generally attend ACTFL which tends to take place at the same  
time in different cities!

Last fall's creation of the Arabic SIG was a wonderful occasion. We  
elected three officers, Dr. Salah Ayari (Texas A&M), Chair, ayari-s at 
; Dr. Shereen Tabrizi (Dearborn Public Schools), Vice-Chair, tabrizs at 
  and  Dr. Hanada Taha-Thomure (San Diego State University), Secretary,hanada at 
. Many of you have already received information from Hanada  
encouraging you to participate in ACTFL. The cost of being a member of  
the SIG is $5/year that you can add to your regular membership.

Please join. We need to continue to make our voice heard and this is a  
good venue. We will have two sessions this year that will be under the  
auspices of theSIG and the AATA. If you have a good idea for a joint  
session, please contact one of the officers ASAP! This is an excellent  
way to increase the visibility of the Arabic field by your involvement  
and presentations through associations such as the SIG.
End of Arabic-L:  20 May 2009
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