Arabic-L:LING:ARAM Society Conference on Western Missions in the Levant

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Wed Aug 25 19:19:16 UTC 2010

Arabic-L: Wed 25 Aug 2010
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dil at>
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1) Subject: ARAM Society Conference on Western Missions in the Levant

Date: 25 Aug 2010
From: Aram Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies <aram at>
Subject: ARAM Society Conference on Western Missions in the Levant

Dear Colleague,

ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies is organizing a yearly conference on "the Christian Levant" and its Thirty Second International Conference aims to study "the Western Missions in the Levant (including Iran, Iraq & Egypt)", to be held at the Oriental Institute, the University of Oxford, 18-20 July 2011. The conference will start on Monday July 18 at 9am, finishing on Wednesday July 20 at 6pm. Please note the new date.

Papers: Each talk is limited to 30 minutes with an additional 10 minutes for discussion. It would help us greatly if the speaker keeps to the time allocated in order to allow the other speakers sufficient time to address the Conference. If however a speaker feels that 30 minutes is not enough time for his/her topic, an extended version of his/her paper can be published in the book of the Symposium, while the 30 minute limit will be retained for the presentation of his/her paper at the Conference itself.
Papers will be accepted from accredited academics in the field, and please note that the Organising Committee of the Conference will be very strict in only accepting papers relevant to the main theme of the conference. We need you CV if you are a new contributor to our Aram conferences. 
All papers given at the conference will be considered for publication in a future edition of the ARAM Periodical, subject to editorial review.

Abstract: The Organising Committee of the Conference would like to receive your abstract before the end this calendar year 2010. We will confirm that we have accepted your proposal on receipt of an abstract, which should be in the region of 500 words long with a bibliography of the primary sources that will be discussed. We need you CV if you are a new contributor to the Aram conferences.

Academic Research: We accept papers only from academics who are experts in the field of their research, and we reject any paper which does not fulfil the academic requirements. We cannot accept papers already published, and all political interventions on current Middle Eastern politics are forbidden in any Aram conference. 

Handouts: You should prepare your own handouts, and 40-50 copies will be enough for your audience. 

The Levant is a designation for the lands of the Eastern Mediterranean (from French “lever” “to rise” (i.e., the sun), primarily Asia Minor and Syria-Palestine but often the entire coastlands from Asia Minor to Egypt. (The Eerdmans Bible Dictionary, page 652. See also “Levant” in The Oxford Encyclopaedia of Archaeology in the Near East, pages 350-351). Moreover, Levantine Christianity, namely Syriac-Aramaic Christianity, has always added Iraq and Iran to the geographical map of the Levant, and it is also our own definition in the Aram Society. 

If you wish to participate in the conference, please contact Dr. Shafiq Abouzayd:
Aram Society, the Oriental Institute, Oxford University, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, England. Tel. 01865-514041, Fax. 01865-516824, Email: aram at

Aram Secretary

End of Arabic-L: 25 Aug 2010

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