Arabic-L:PEDA:wants refs on how L2 speakers learn to understand the Quran

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Wed Dec 8 17:03:54 UTC 2010

Arabic-L: Wed 08 Dec 2010
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dil at>
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1) Subject: wants refs on how L2 speakers learn to understand the Quran

Date: 08 Dec 2010
From: Sohaib Sandhu <sohaibsandhu at>
Subject: wants refs on how L2 speakers learn to understand the Quran

Dear Colleagues,
I am currently embarking on research relating to how L2 (non-native speakers of Arabic) learn to read, and specifically learn to understand the Quran.
Could anyone please point me to any research that may have been carried out in the past relating to the above in any way or form.
With best regards,
Sohaib Sandhu (Mr)
EFL/ESL Lecturer & Assessment Specialist
Taibah University
Saudi Arabia

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