Arabic-L:PEDA:2010 NMELRC Arabic Summer Workshop at UT Austin

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Mon Jan 11 16:35:56 UTC 2010

Arabic-L: Mon 11 Jan 2010
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <
dilworth_parkinson at
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1) Subject:2010 NMELRC Arabic Summer Workshop at UT Austin

Date: 11 Jan 2010
From:Maggie Nassif <mnnassif at>
Subject:2010 NMELRC Arabic Summer Workshop at UT Austin

2010 NMELRC Arabic Summer Workshop at UT Austin
Teaching Arabic to Upper High School and College Students
A Hands-On Workshop for teachers conducted in Arabic by Mahmoud Al-
Batal, and Chris Stone, Hunter College, CUNY
June 14-19, 2010
Teachers of Arabic will learn about current methods and practices
in learner-centered, proficiency-based instruction.
Topics include:
Teaching reading & listening and helping learners develop effective strategies
Teaching vocabulary
Teaching grammar
Providing corrective feedback
Utilizing group work in class
Testing and assessment
Teaching culture
Through demonstrations, live class observations, video, discussion, and interactive activities. The
presenters will demonstrate best practices and the participants will engage in micro-teaching in real university Arabic classes, and receive feedback. Limited space.
NMELRC will cover workshop tuition. Applicants are responsible for their own housing and travel expenses. Limited NMELRC Financial
Aid available in the form of travel awards. There will be a $100 non refundable processing fee requested upon notification of the results of the selection process. 
Deadline for applications, March 15, 2010. For an application form please visit:
For more information please email nmelrc at

Maggie N. Nassif, PhD, MBA
Administrative Director
National Middle East
Language Resource Center
Brigham Young University
212 HRCB, BYU,
Provo, Utah, 84602
mnnassif at

End of Arabic-L:  11 Jan 2010

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