Arabic-L:PEDA:Arabic Complete project

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Mon Mar 14 20:02:58 UTC 2011

Arabic-L: Mon 14 Mar 2011
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dil at>
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1) Subject: Arabic Complete project

Date: 14 Mar 2011
From: Samia Montasser <montasser at>
Subject: Arabic Complete project
Our project uses a visual approach to
learning Arabic with color-coded text, up to 7,000 audio clips
of high frequency phrases, videos, and podcasts.
We are a group of teachers, students, and developers from New York, Egypt,
Ontario, Punjab, and New Delhi.
This project is 4-years in the making and we are continuing to build a
platform for students to share and learn together online!
Materials were tested at New York University by me in the Speaking Freely
Program in 2009.
"For visual learning materials, audios, and podcasts":
And here is a demo link on our site:

Please feel free to ask any questions on the project.

Enaya Gad Founder of
646-652-6615 (Skype)
917-213-6627 (Cell)
Many thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing from you!

End of Arabic-L: 14 Mar 2011
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