Arabic-L:LIT:New Book:Islamic Heresiographical Texts

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Thu Mar 24 17:07:29 UTC 2011

Arabic-L: Thu 24 Feb 2011
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dil at>
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1) Subject: New Book:Islamic Heresiographical Texts

Date: 24 Feb 2011
From: Gerlach Books - Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies <office at>
Subject: New Book:Islamic Heresiographical Texts

Just published: Josef van Ess, Der Eine und das Andere

Until 5th April we offer this new publication at reduced introductory price!

Der Eine und das Andere
Beobachtungen an islamischen häresiographischen Texten
(Observations in Islamic Heresiographical Texts. A History of the Literary Genre from the 8th to the 19th c. AD)
Author: Ess, Josef van
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York
2 Vols Set, Hardcover, 23 x 15.5 cm, 3 kg, 1,400 pages
ISBN 978-3-11-021577-9
Publication Date: 17th March 2011
Language: German
Publisher's list price: EUR 199.95 / USD 280.00

Table of contents can be downloaded from here:

Information on the title:
In this book the history of Islamic sects is analysed as a literary genus in its own right. It consists of three sections: the first deals with structural constants in the texts such as the arrangement, or the number and classification of the "sects." The main section describes the most important works and authors from the 8th to the 19th century. Finally, the central concepts - "religion," "sects," "orthodoxy," etc. - are considered and the historical background of the literary development examined in more detail. It turns out that the "heresies" were rather "confessions" which can be understood as proof of the pluralistic structure of the Islamic community.

Our offer outside Germany, Austria, Switzerland:
- 10% discount on list price
- plus surface mail delivery
(Europe EUR 20 / Worldwide EUR 40)
- air mail on request
- European VAT included
- Institutions and returning customers: delivery by open account
- First-time customers: pre-payment by bank transfer or credit card preferred

Our offer for Germany, Austria, Switzerland:
- 5% library discount for libraries and institutes
- plus surface mail delivery
(Germany EUR 6 / Austria EUR 15 / Switzerland EUR 30)
- European VAT included
- institutions and returning customers: delivery by open account
- first-time customers: pre-payment by bank transfer or credit card preferred

Looking forward to your orders. This offer is valid until 5th April 2011 only.

Best regards from Berlin

(Ms) Dagmar Konrad
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