Arabic-L:LING:Post-doc in Arabic CompLing at Cambridge

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Wed Nov 30 09:25:32 UTC 2011

Arabic-L: Wed 30 Nov 2011
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at<mailto:dilworth_parkinson at>>
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1) Subject:Post-doc in Arabic CompLing at Cambridge

Date: 30 Nov 2011
From:reposted from LINGUIST
Subject:Post-doc in Arabic CompLing at Cambridge

University or Organization: University of Cambridge
Department: Department of Engineering
Job Location: Cambridge, United Kingdom
Job Rank: Post Doc

Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics; Statistical Machine Translation

Required Language(s): Arabic, Standard (arb)
                     Chinese, Mandarin (cmn)


A position is expected to become available for a Research Associate to work
on statistical machine translation. The project, funded by the DARPA Broad
Operational Language Translation (BOLT) programme, will involve
collaboration with IBM TJ Watson Research Center and other leading
machine translation researcher groups in Europe and the USA. The aim of
the project is to dramatically improve statistical machine translation relative to
the current state of the art. The successful candidate will have a very good
first degree in a relevant discipline and preferably have a higher degree in
Engineering or Computer Science. Preference will be given to candidates
with experience in large-scale syntax-based statistical machine translation,
weighted finite state transducers, and machine learning and statistical pattern
processing techniques. As two of the languages of interest are Arabic and
Mandarin, fluency in either of these languages would be an advantage.

Further details may be obtained from Dr Bill Byrne, email address below. To
apply complete form CHRIS /6 (cover sheet for CV) available at and send with your CV and
covering letter to Dr Bill Byrne at the application address or email address

Quote Reference: NA10372,Closing Date: 30 December 2011
Interview Date(s): Interviews will be held with selected candidates as soon as
possible after the closing date.

Application Deadline: 30-Dec-2011
Mailing Address for Applications:
        Dr Bill Byrne
        Department of Engineering
        Trumpington Street
        Cambridge CB2 1PZ
        United Kingdom
Email Address for Applications: bill.byrne at<mailto:bill.byrne at>
Web Address for Applications:
Contact Information:
        Dr Bill Byrne
        Email: bill.byrne at<mailto:bill.byrne at>

End of Arabic-L:  30 Nov 2011

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