Arabic-L:LIT:U of Pennsylvania Arabic Lit Job

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Sat Oct 1 05:59:09 UTC 2011

Arabic-L: Sat 01 Oct 2011
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at<mailto:dilworth_parkinson at>>
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1) Subject:U of Pennsylvania Arabic Lit Job

Date: 01 Oct 2011
From:Joseph Lowry <joseph.lowry at<mailto:joseph.lowry at>>
Subject:U of Pennsylvania Arabic Lit Job

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to the following position.

ARABIC LITERATURE.  The Department of Near Eastern Languages and
Civilizations at the University of Pennsylvania invites applications
for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor in Arabic
Literature, to begin Fall 2012.  Applicants should combine a primary
research focus on modern Arabic literature and culture with competence
in language learning pedagogy. Teaching responsibilities will include
introductory and advanced undergraduate, as well as graduate,
courses.  An ability to cover courses on pre-modern Arabic literature,
in addition to courses on modern Arabic literature and culture, will
be an advantage.  Ph.D. is expected by August, 2012.  Applications are
to be submitted on-line at<>
applicants/Central?quickFind=50977 and include a letter of
application, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching interests, and
the contact information for three individuals who will be contacted by
the University with instructions on how to submit a letter of
recommendation. Review of applications will begin November 15, 2011
and the process will continue until the position is filled.

The University of Pennsylvania is an affirmative action/equal
opportunity employer.

Dr. Joseph E. Lowry
Associate Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies
Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
847 Williams Hall
255 South 36th Street
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(215) 898-7466
elowry at<mailto:elowry at>

End of Arabic-L:  01 Oct 2011

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