Arabic-L:GEN:AATA (why you should be a member)

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Mon Oct 10 17:36:29 UTC 2011

Arabic-L: Mon 10 Oct 2011
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at<mailto:dilworth_parkinson at>>
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1) Subject:AATA (why you should be a member)

Date: 10 Oct 2011
From:Kirk Belnap <belnap at<mailto:belnap at>>
Subject:AATA (why you should be a member)

Greetings! I am writing to encourage former members to renew and those who've never joined the American Assoc. of Teachers of Arabic--to renew or become members. AATA works to "promote study, criticism, and research in the fields of Arabic language pedagogy, Arabic linguistics, and Arabic literature, and to further the common interests of teachers of these subjects" (AATA Constitution). Our members hail from numerous nations, not just the U.S.

For one reason or another, some have been critical of AATA in recent years. I have but one response: Dedicated colleagues, overwhelmed with crushing teaching and administrative loads, have done their best to keep AATA going and to improve it. Thanks to valiant efforts, especially on the part of Exec. Director, Dr. Elizabeth Bergman and former editor of Al-'Arabiyya, Dr. Clarissa Burt, overdue issues of the journal have been published, the website has been improved, the newsletter is better than ever, and the association is actively serving its advocacy role. I therefore invite you to show your support by joining. I would particularly invite you to consider becoming a supporting member and, if possible, please arrange for your institution to become an institutional member. We thank those who've faithfully maintained such memberships and look forward to seeing many renewals and new members of all types. To find out more and to renew or join, go to:

Online payment is an option for most countries. To renew, log in and then click on the "View profile" link at the top right.

Best wishes,

Kirk Belnap
2010-2012 President, American Association of Teachers of Arabic


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